SparkSQL是Apache Spark中的一个模块,用于处理结构化数据。它提供了一种类似于SQL的查询语言,可以用于查询和分析大规模的数据集。 对于给出的错误信息"由于数据类型不匹配,无法解析'CASE WHEN表达式THEN 1 ELSE 0 END'",这是因为在SparkSQL中,CASE WHEN语句要求所有...
OR ) CASE WHEN sex = ‘1’ THEN ‘男’ WHEN sex = ‘2’ THEN ‘女’ ELSE ‘其他’ END...
sqlContext.sql("select A.age AS Aage , AS Aname,B.age AS Bage , AS Bname from (select * from people01 ) A left join (select * from people02) B on").show() 1. sqlContext.sql("select (CASE WHEN ISNULL(B.age)=false THEN B.age ELSE A.age EN...
2.0.1 中 case 后面不能直接跟 ( ,如果改成 SELECT CASEpmod(datediff(f0.`4168388__c_0`,'1970-01-04'),7)+1WHEN '1' THEN '星期日' WHEN '2' THEN '星期一' WHEN '3' THEN '星期二' WHEN '4' THEN '星期三' WHEN '5' THEN '星期四' WHEN '6' THEN '星期五' WHEN '7' THEN '...
Like SQL "case when" statement and Swith statement from popular programming languages, Spark SQL Dataframe also supports similar syntax using "when otherwise" or we can also use "case when" statement.
* `spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord`): allows renaming the new field having malformed string * created by `PERMISSIVE` mode. This overrides `spark.sql.columnNameOfCorruptRecord`. * `multiLine` (default `false`): parse one record, which may span multiple lines. * `locale` (default is ...
“Gluten” is Latin for glue. Main goal of project Gluten is to “glue" the SparkSQL and native libraries. So we can take use of and benefit from the high scalability of Spark SQL framework, as well as the high performance of native libraries. ...
>spark.sql("create oindex index1 on oap_test (a)") Currently SQL Index supports creating an index on the following data types of columns. Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, Binary, Boolean Using index in a query is transparent. When SQL queries have filter condition...
Spark SQL & Spark streaming 数据库分类及数据库笔记目录 常用语法 MYSQL 常用 CREATE/DROPDATABASE/TABLEIFNOTEXISTSdb/tab;-- 创建/删除数据库/表USEdb;-- 使用指定数据库SETSQL_SAFE_UPDATES=0;-- 关闭安全模式SHOWDATABASES/TABLES;-- 查询所有数据库/表名;desc表名;-- 查询表结构CREATETABLEstudent(-- ...