-- Change the connection context to the database AdventureWorks. USE AdventureWorks; GO -- Grant permissions to the database user Peter -- to backup the database AdventureWorks. GRANT BACKUP DATABASE TO Peter; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 用DENY语句删除一个数据库用户拥有的某个权限时,这个用户不能...
SELECT perms.state_desc AS State, permission_name AS [Permission], obj.name AS [on Object], dp.name AS [to User Name] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms JOIN sys.database_principals AS dp ON perms.grantee_principal_id = dp.principal_id JOIN sys.objects AS obj ON perms.major_id...
For example, CONTROL on a database implies all permissions on the database, all permissions on all assemblies in the database, all permissions on all schemas in the database, and all permissions on objects within all schemas within the database. ALTER Confers the ability to change the ...
SQL复制 useyourdb-- Use your DB nameCREATEUSERaliasFROMLOGIN [alias@domain.com]; 将用户添加到指定角色的成员 SQL复制 useyourdb-- Use your DB namealterroledb_datareaderAddmemberalias-- Type USER name from step 2-- You can use any Database Role which exists-- (e...
Cannot grant, deny, or revoke permissions to sa, dbo, entity owner, information_schema, sys, or yourself. Cannot insert duplicate key row in object... Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table Cannot open backup device 'C:\TEMP\Demo.bak'. Operating system error 2(The system...
SSISDB 目录使用 DDL 触发器 (ddl_cleanup_object_permissions) 强制 SSIS 安全对象的权限信息的完整性。 当从 SSISDB 数据库中删除数据库主体(如数据库用户、数据库角色或数据库应用程序角色)时,将会触发触发器。 如果该主体已对其他主体授予或拒绝权限,则应先撤消授权者授予的权限,然后才能删除主体。 否则,系统尝...
System.Security.Permissions.dll Source: SqlClientPermission.cs 注意 Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime. 启用用于 SQL Server 的 .NET Framework 数据提供程序,帮助确保用户具有足够的安全级别来访问数据源。 C#复制 [System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or ho...
("User2");// Role1 becomes a member of Role2role2.AddMember("Role1");// Enumerating through explicit permissions granted to Role1// enumerates all database permissions for the GranteeDatabasePermissionInfo[] dbPermsRole1 = db.EnumDatabasePermissions("Role1");foreach(Database...
Lesson 2: Configure permissions on database objects Lesson 3: Delete database objects SQL Server on Linux SQL on Azure Azure Arc Resources Reference Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print ...
This still leaves a specific user. We'll re-use the login we created to see the specific permissions against the server: CREATE DATABASE TestDB; GO USE TestDB; GO CREATE USER TestLoginPerms; GO SELECT sp.state_desc, sp.permission_name, SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS 'Schema', o.name ...