授予对 SQL Server 中的数据库的权限。 Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql复制 GRANT<permission>[ ,...n ]TO<database_principal>[ ,...n ] [WITHGRANTOPTION] [AS<database_principal>]<permission>::=permission |ALL[PRIVILEGES]<database_principal>::=Database_user|Database_role|Application_role...
若要返回在数据库(SQL Server 和 SQL 数据库)中授予或拒绝的显式权限,请在数据库中执行以下语句。SQL 复制 SELECT perms.state_desc AS State, permission_name AS [Permission], obj.name AS [on Object], dp.name AS [to User Name] FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms JOIN sys.database_...
授予对 SQL Server 中数据库用户、数据库角色或应用程序角色的权限。 Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql复制 GRANTpermission [ ,...n ]ON{ [USER::database_user] | [ROLE::database_role] | [APPLICATIONROLE::application_role] }TO<database_principal>[ ,...n ] [WITHGRANTOPTION] [AS<database...
The login lets the user connect to the SQL Server Database Engine. Then you configure the login as a user in the specified database. And finally, you grant that user permission to database objects. This lesson shows you these three steps, and shows you how to create a view and a ...
Grants permissions on a database in SQL Server. Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsqlCopy GRANT<permission>[ ,...n ]TO<database_principal>[ ,...n ] [WITHGRANTOPTION] [AS<database_principal>]<permission>::=permission |ALL[PRIVILEGES]<database_principal>::=Database_user|Database...
1- 问题描述安装已经到了最后一步,眼瞅着就要安装完成了,结果突然报错了,报错截图如下: 2- 报错原因装这么多数据库,第一次遇到这种问题,于是开始上网查,报错原因是这样的: 设置的电脑名称与系统的管理员账…
About the above “permission denied” error This error serves as a reminder that not every user in a SQL Server environment has the authority to create databases. This error means that the user who is attempting to execute the CREATE DATABASE statement does not have the appropriate ac...
请参阅“https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-sql/database/resource-limits-logical-server”以获取帮助。 否则,请稍后重试。 10930 16 否 服务当前太忙。 请稍后重试。” 10931 16 否 无法删除资源池 '%.*ls',因为它绑定到数据库。 删除此资源池之前,请删除...
Granting a user access to a database involves three steps. First, you create a login. The login lets the user connect to the SQL Server Database Engine. Then you configure the login as a user in the specified database. And finally, you grant that user permission to database objects. Th...
SELECT*FROMsys.fn_builtin_permissions('SERVER')ORDERBYpermission_name; 使用服务器级角色 下表介绍了可以用于服务器级角色的命令、视图和功能。 展开表 Azure Arc 启用了 SQL Server 专用角色 在安装适用于 SQL Server 的 Azure 扩展时,该安装将会: ...