or more simply
today=datetime.date.today() yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1) print (today,yesterday) thismonth = yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m') print (thismonth) firstdayofmonth = datetime.datetime.strptime(thismonth+'-01', '%Y-%m-%d').date() print (firstdayofmonth) company='AAA' # 获取本...
I works for a company which request me generate a list of period for each 30 days since the item start until now. Sample: Item 'A' has begin date is 01/DEC/2016, and Item 'B' has begin date is 05/Feb/2016. Today is 07/FEB/2017. The output should like this: **ITEM|START|END...
我需要一个excel公式来计算一个单元格的总剩余天数:结束日期减去今天日期加上延期天数(可能30-90个天数在一个单元格中)我在另一个单元格中尝试过=days360(today's date,end date + number of extension days),但它没有给出正确的总数它给了我错误的天数。我也有一个计算我的结束日期的公式,这是否会导致问题=...
可以使用time模块直接获取当前日期的时间戳;...)) end_time = int(round(today.timestamp()*1000)) # 取今天时间为查询结束时间,并转为13位时间戳(int()表示保留整数部分) offset = datetime.timedelta...(days=-30) # 定义偏移量,即与当前时间的时间间隔 start_time = int(round((today + offset)....
calculate current Quarter/Review Period and previous four Quarter/Review Periods based on todays date. Calculate Elapsed Time Between Dates Excluding Weekends Calculate stock ageing with SQL query Calculate the date of the Next Sunday of current week Calculate the number of workdays in a month Calcu...
PostgreSQL支持SQL中所有的日期和时间类型,如表 8.9所示。这些数据类型上可用的操作如第 9.9 节所述。日期根据公历来计算,即使对于该历法被引入之前的年份也一样(见第 B.5 节)。 表8.9. 日期/时间类型 注意 SQL要求只写timestamp等效于timestamp without time zone,并且PostgreSQL鼓励这种行为。timestamptz被接受为...
('SCN from yesterday is ' || scn2); 16 17 -- Find arbitrary SCN between yesterday and today 18 19 scn3 := (scn1 + scn2) / 2; 20 sometime := SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(scn3); 21 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE 22 ('SCN ' || scn3 || ' was in effect at ' || TO_CHAR(sometime)); 23...
Create a union query named "TodayPlusMinus1KQ" (for dates +/- 1000 days): SELECT MyDate FROM TodayMinus1KQ UNION SELECT MyDate FROM TodayPlus1KQ; Now you can use the query: SELECT MyDate FROM TodayPlusMinus1KQ WHERE MyDate BETWEEN #05/01/2014# and #05/30/2014# Share Improve ...
For example, you can use this function to find the date that is 7,000 minutes from today: number = 7000, datepart = minute, date = today. See Date and time data types and functions for an overview of all Transact-SQL date and time data types and functions. Transact-SQL syntax ...