What's more, our SQE1 course content is delivered in multiple formats meeting the needs of a variety of learning styles. You'll also have access to 3,000 MCQs, 8 mock tests and 1 fully simulated mock exam to give you all the practice you need to sit your exam with confidence. ...
prepared before taking the SQE, as you are only allowed three attempts to pass each part of the exam within a six-year period. That’s why we offer specialised courses for each part of the assessment, providing you with all the necessary resources to excel in every area of legal practice...
Get access to more than 3,000 practice SQE1 multiple-choice questions and a mock exam, and ample SQE2 written and oral practice assessments with personalised feedback and mock exams in each of the areas tested. Expert Faculty Our tutors are qualified solicitors and barristers with decades of...
SQE1 prep course SQE2 prep course LLM (SQE1 & SQE2 prep) What is the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE)? The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is the new route to qualifying as a solicitor in England and Wales. Introduced in 2021 it will replace the current Legal Practice Course...
+44 Your enquiry (optional) BPP would like to send you information about our events, webinars, and special offers relevant to you. Please use the checkbox below to let us know you are happy to receive these communications. You can opt out of marketing at any time by changing your preferen...
Criminal Law and Practice. In the PROGRESS section, the app will show you how much time you spent preparing for the exam and the progress that you are making. The TARGET section is designed to help you revise the questions answered wrong the first time, so you can increase the final score...
Criminal Law and Practice. In the PROGRESS section, the app will show you how much time you spent preparing for the exam and the progress that you are making. The TARGET section is designed to help you revise the questions answered wrong the first time, so you can increase the final score...
'Test Drive' our Training system Are you ready for the SQE2? How good is your Legal Writing? Attempt a'real' interactive SQE2 scenario to see how our practice area works. Try it out Now QLTS Advantage Fees Special Offer SQE2Course ...
Practice papers:test your skills in SQE2 exam conditions with our bank of practice papers, with debrief notes so you can see how your performance compares with the level of detail and use of skills required Recorded workshop content:in advance of your taught workshops, learn from pre-recorded...
How many practice MCQs will I be able to do with the SQE1 Prep course? What specific hard copy materials will I get? Will my BARBRI books be delivered to me anywhere in the world? Do you provide SQE1 and SQE2 mock exams? What can I access on the BARBRI App?