2. "SQE1 Study Manual" by BARBRI 这本书是由BARBRI出版的,涵盖了SQE1的各个科目。它提供了详细的解释和练习题,以帮助你加深对每个主题的理解。 3. "SQE1 Practice Questions and Answers" by Kaplan 这本书提供了大量的练习题和答案,覆盖了SQE1的各个主题。练习题的难度与真实考试相似,可以帮助你熟悉考试的...
1. "SQE1 Comprehensive Study Manual" by the City Law School:该教材涵盖了SQE1考试内容的综合解读,包括法律原则、法律知识和案例研究等方面。 2. "SQE1 Practice Questions and Answers" by the Solicitors Qualifying Exam Preparation:该教材提供了大量的练习题和详细答案,可供学生进行自我评估和巩固知识。 3....
COURSE DEMOS AND SAMPLE MATERIAL Take a look at the SQE preparation course materials for yourself. View the learning portal, practice Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for SQE1, and see skills tasks for SQE2. GDL Demo SQE1 prep Demo SQE2 prep Demo Transactional Skills Demo...
Our comprehensive SQE1 preparation course, designed and taught by qualified solicitors and barristers, is specifically created with complementing learning materials, spaced repetition and extensive practice questions to help you understand and retain your learning and set you up for exam success. Highligh...
Candidates can ask questions about their studies or the course during the weekly live sessions. QUESTION BANK The online question bank is a huge database of questions for candidates to practice with over 2,000 mock questions, which are being updated weekly. ...
📚 Round 1:Barbri书 📖📘📙 2023年 7月应该是正式打算开始备,第一 轮计划是零碎时间每天看10页barbri的书 ,一周大概读十个小时。 Round 2: Barbri + UOL Practice Questions 🔖📒 2023年10月初成功报了考试(排了5个小时才进去),正式看完第一轮barbri,并开始打Notes看第二轮Barbri ,并做题了- ...
You get unlimited one-to-one time with a SQE1 Prep learning coach, personal tutor feedback on your oral and written SQE2 assessments, plus wellness and mental health resources and top legal career support. Comprehensive Practice Questions and Mocks Get access to more than 3,000 practice SQE...
5. SQE1 Mock Exam In addition to the main practice multiple choice questions, there will be several multiple-choice practice tests delivered in exam style. This means that the student must complete all the questions before they can see the answers. We still provide the students with detaile...
Criminal Law and Practice. 刑事法律 1 x Practical Legal Skills Assessment: Legal Research and Writing. SQE stage 1的题型: The six functioning knowledge assessments in the SQE stage 1 would use computer-based, objective testing, using the following question formats: single best answer questions, ex...
SQE1考核针对基础法律知识,由多项选择题组成,考生须从各种虚构情景的选择题中,选择最佳答案(single best answer multiple choice questions)或解决方案。题目围绕法律基础知识Functioning Legal Knowledge 1及2(FLK1&2),涵盖不同的法律课题如商业法律(Business Law and Practice)、解决争议(Dispute Resolution)、...