景芯SoC的Spyglass检查 作为IC设计人员,熟练掌握数字前端语法检查工具Spyglass的重要性不言而喻,本文讲解景芯SoC的Spyglass检查。 启动Spyglass软件:spyglass & 点击左边Add File(s): 将.v文件通过rtl.f统一添加,如下图,点击OK: 或者通过命令添加: sg_shell> read_file -type sourcelistmcu_rtl_for_sim.f 设置顶...
可以在wb_subsystem.prj中,将这些源文件列表添加进去: read_file -type sourcelist ../filelist/file.list read_file -type sourcelist ../rtl/wb_conmax/file.list spyglass 命令操作 在上述基础上,将使用-batch选项在批处理模式下运行SpyGlass。同样的操作也可以在GUI模式下完成。 通过下面的指令来运行SpyGlass...
remove_file -type sgdc <file-name> Defining Custom Goals 要定义自定义goal,请使用 define_goal 命令,如下所示: define_goal <goal_name> [-policy <product_list>] {<goal_settings>} Example of a Tcl-based Project File Project Working Directory 项目工作目录是项目文件的输出目录。您可以使用以下命令...
WARNING W480 3 Loop index is not of type integer WARNING W486 2 Shift overflow - some bits may be lost Expand Down 5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions5spyglass/sg_setup/cva6/cva6_goals_setup.tcl Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change ...
1、rtl代码中有include其他文件,我在add file的时候也添加进去了,但是run design read后报错“ include file could not b...
File.readlink(__FILE__):__FILE__$LOAD_PATH<<File.dirname(THIS_FILE)+'/../lib'require'rubygems'require'spyglass'require'optparse'# 命令行解析,社区里有人推荐的gli也不错。opts=OptionParser.newdo|opts|opts.banner="Usage: spyglass [options]"opts.separator""opts.separator"Ruby options:"lineno...
Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Spyglass is an essential offline GPS app for outdoors and off-road navigation. Packed with tools it serves as binoculars, heads-up display, hi-tech compass with offline maps, gyrocompass, GPS receiver, waypoint tracker, speedometer, altimeter, Sun, Moon and star...
If you apply Spyglass annotations to a method that returns a reactive type, then the Spyglass framework handles this and subscribes when activated. Subscription is deferred until callTargetMethodsNow() is called, or you can call callTargetMethods() to get a Completable and handle the subscription...
1.准备好自己的RTL的文件列表(filelist); 2.运行spyglass 进行Lint 检查的xxx.proj即可; 下边我以脚本方式跑一下该流程: 1.生成filelist: 2.修改xxx_lint.proj(lint检查需要修改这个文件,下边红色命令处用得到) 我这里是脚本操作,(如果自己不想用脚本启动就spyglass -project xxx.prj -goals lint_check -batch...
read_file -typesourcelist ../rtl/wb_conmax/file.list spyglass 命令操作 在上述基础上,将使用-batch选项在批处理模式下运行SpyGlass。同样的操作也可以在GUI模式下完成。 通过下面的指令来运行SpyGlass工程: spyglass -project wb_subsystem.prj -designread -batch ...