点击左边Add File(s): 将.v文件通过rtl.f统一添加,如下图,点击OK: 或者通过命令添加: sg_shell> read_file -type sourcelistmcu_rtl_for_sim.f 设置顶层,选中下图左边Set Options,手动设置Value为digital_top.v,这里我们留一个bug,后面看得到。 或者通过命令添加: sg_shell> set_option top digital_top.v...
read_file -type sourcelist ../rtl/wb_conmax/file.list spyglass 命令操作 在上述基础上,将使用-batch选项在批处理模式下运行SpyGlass。同样的操作也可以在GUI模式下完成。 通过下面的指令来运行SpyGlass工程: spyglass -project wb_subsystem.prj -designread -batch 提示有6个错误。SpyGlass会生成比较多的报告,...
spyglass -tcl top_lint.tcl top_lint.tcl read_file -type sourcelist rtl.f(所有的rtl文件) read_file -type awl lint_waives.awl (lint检查中需要忽略的文件) set_option enableSV yes (允许使用SV的语法) set_option nosavepolicies {txv lowpower power_est dft dft_dsm} (不清楚) current_goal lin...
read_file -typesourcelist ../filelist/file.list read_file -typesourcelist ../rtl/wb_conmax/file.list spyglass 命令操作 在上述基础上,将使用-batch选项在批处理模式下运行SpyGlass。同样的操作也可以在GUI模式下完成。 通过下面的指令来运行SpyGlass工程: spyglass -project wb_subsystem.prj -designread -b...
1##spyglass tcl2##设置顶层模块3set top test4##设置工程路径5set prj_path /work/project/test6new_project ${top} -projectwdir$prj_path-force7##读取rtl及工艺库lib8##读取名称为"top"的f文件,把.f的.v及包含的文件导进来9read_file -type sourcelist ${top}.f10##读取工艺库的.v文件11read_...
read_file-type awl./wb_subsystem.awl set_option default_waiver_file./wb_subsystem.awl 然后重新加载工程文件且运行Goal。 生成Dashboard/Datasheet 在GUI界面下打开shell命令窗口,输入如下命令生成Dashboard/Datasheet: 代码语言:javascript 复制 write_aggregate_report datasheet ...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change Expand Up@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ #read_file -type waiver <waiver-file> ### #ignore multiple assignment bitwise or violations (W415a) in for loop set_parameter ignore_bitwiseor_assignment yes #ignore multiple assignment violations ...
If you apply Spyglass annotations to a method that returns a reactive type, then the Spyglass framework handles this and subscribes when activated. Subscription is deferred until callTargetMethodsNow() is called, or you can call callTargetMethods() to get a Completable and handle the subscription...
- transition to a free app (read more below) - improved free of charge restoration of "Spyglass Pro" access for long time users - for long term users where the original version is unavailable now the first download date is used (compatibility with earlier iOS versions) ...
To be able to read a SDC file into SpyGlass, you need to follow the following steps (assume block1.sdc and block2.sdc are two SDC files that need to be used for CDC verification of a top level module "top"): • Create a SGDC file that contains the following lines: current_design...