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Cindy is busy filling in Kathy on the Beale family history and trying to paint herself in a good light. Ian freezes as he sees his mum sitting at the dining room table. Kayla doesn’t need to introduce him. Kathy leaps up and hugs her son. ‘I’m so sorry son!’ Kathy cries. ...
Annotations along the x axis indicate receptor subtype (cyan: TN; magenta: HR+HER2−). (H) Correlation of immune cell populations across patients (n = 98 patients). Pearson correlations, red indicates positive correlation, blue indicates negative correlation. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01,...
Testis-specific protein, Y-encoded-like 2 (TSPYL2) is an X-linked gene in the locus for several neurodevelopmental disorders. We have previously shown that Tspyl2 knockout mice had impaired learning and sensorimotor gating, and TSPYL2 facilitates the expression of Grin2a and Grin2b through in...