本例采用Welch方差分析,结果见Robust Tests of Equality of Means表格: 可以报告:不同水平的体力活动组间,应对职场压力的能力(CWWS得分)差异具有统计学意义,Welch F(3,14.574)=14.821, P<0.0005。 结果叙述里的指标与Robust Tests of Equality of Means表格对应如下: 每部分的含义如下: 当差异无统计学意义时,我们...
本例采用Welch方差分析,结果见Robust Tests of Equality of Means表格: 可以报告:不同水平的体力活动组间,应对职场压力的能力(CWWS得分)差异具有统计学意义,Welch F(3,14.574)=14.821,P<0.0005。 结果叙述里的指标与Robust Tests of Equality of Means表格对应如...
14、regression,regressionwithrobuststandarderrors,andmanyotherestimationcommandsincluderobuststandarderrorsaswell.stataalsoexcelsintheareaofsurveydataanalysisofferingtheabilitytoanalyzesurveydataforregression,logisticregression,poissonregression,probitregression,etc.).thegreatestweaknessesin thisareawou 15、ldprobablybe in...
and it succeeds in this area. But if you intend to use SPSS as a power user, you may outgrow it over time. SPSS is strong in the area of graphics, but weak in more cutting edge statistical procedures lacking in robust methods and survey methods. ...
Stata also has a very nice array of robust methods that are very easy to use, including robust regression, regression with robust standard errors, and many other estimation commands include robust standard errors as well. Stata also excels in the area of survey data analysis offering the ...
Stata also has a very nice array of robust methods that are very easy t 23、o use, including robust regression, regression with robust standard errors, and many other estimation commands include robust standard errors as well. Stata also excels in the area of survey data analysis offering the...
可以想到,每个软件都有自己独特的风格,有自己的优缺点。本文对此做了概述,但并不是一个综合的比较。人们时常会对自己所使用的统计软件有特别的偏好,希望大多数人都能认同这是对这些软件真实而公允的一个对比分析。SAS、SPSS 和Stata的比较 Special Issue Comparison Between SAS,SPSS and Stata www.epiman.cn ...
. 00 0 表12-3(练习) Brown-Forsythe 检验与Welch 检验的结果 Robust Test s of Equalit y of Means 平时一天上网打游戏时间 St a t ist ica df1 We lch 2. 1 34 2 Bro wn-Fo rs yt he 2. 8 32 2 a. Asymptotically F distributed. df2 69 . 254 51 . 707 Sig. . 12 6 . 06 8 表...
When Heteroskedasticity-consistent statistics is selected (only available for univariate models), the variance-covariance matrix is calculated using a robust estimator, the row of standard errors displays the robust standard errors, and the significance values reflect the robust errors. You can use this...
控制離散對層級之圖形的資料轉換.所有離散對層級之圖形,都會顯示迴歸線 的坡度,以及變異數同質性的 Levene′s robust 檢定.如果您選取轉換,Levene 檢定就會以轉換的資料為基 8 IBM SPSS Statistics Base 25 礎.如果沒有選取任何因素變數,就不會產生離散對層級之圖形.「冪次估計」會產生四分位距的自然對數, 對照...