1184 Neil Dobson 54 GBR East Essex Triathlon Club 4:16.8 Yes 1186 Ingo Lenz 48 Oberelbert GER Team Ruderathlet 4:16.9 Yes 1186 Bill Bearman 61 Regina Beach 🇨🇦, SK CAN The Diamonds (Over Sixties Erging Group) 4:16.9 Yes 1186 Shaun Butler 43 NY USA 4:16.9 Yes 1186 Sveinung Myr...
Contrary to our findings, two other studies revealed an increase in Dm after ultra-endurance exercise using TMG, namely an Ironman triathlon40 and an uphill marathon39, whilst others showed no change41. Thus, the type of exercise can determine the contractile properties of the muscle, reducing ...