Sprint 评审 (review) 和 Sprint 回顾 (Retrospective) 有什么区别? sprint 评审和 sprint 回顾都是生产团队在世界各地使用的 Scrum 事件。虽然相似——它们都发生在冲刺结束时——但它们是独立且不同的练习,应该始终如此对待。 冲刺评审为团队创造了一个展示最近冲...
在Scrum框架中,两个关键的仪式是Sprint Review和Sprint Retrospective,它们分别扮演着评估和反思的角色。让我们深入了解这两个环节。首先,Sprint Review是团队展示成果的重要时刻。在这个会议上,开发团队通过讲解和演示,向产品经理和利益相关者展示Sprint期间完成的产品特性,确保其符合初始需求。即使产品经理...
Sprint评审 (Sprint Review): sprint评审会议是故意保持非常非正式的,通常有禁止使用PowerPoint幻灯片的规则,并且允许会议的准备时间不超过两小时。冲刺审查会议不应成为团队的分心或重大绕道; 相反,它应该是冲刺的自然结果。 sprint审核的参与者通常包括产品所有者,Scrum团队,Scrum Master,管理层,客户和其他项目的工程师...
在Scrum中,有2个仪式,Sprint Review和Sprint Reteospective,分别对应着Sprint评审会和回顾会。 Sprint Review上都做什么呢?主要是通过讲解和demo来向产品经理及其他干系人展示交付的产品是否与之前他们提出的需求一致,并获得反馈,从而为产品的后续改进提供方向。 实际应用中,产品经理或者用户未必有条件参与其中,在这种...
Sprint review vs retrospective: 4 key differences How to run a sprint review Wrap-up 1. What is a sprint review? Put simply, a sprint review is a brief assessment of the sprint’s outcome and any adjustments that need to be made going forward to ensure the team’s success. ...
Difference between a Sprint Retrospective and a Sprint Review Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Retrospective Process Conclusion Share this article Did you ever feel like your team is committing the same mistakes over and over? You feel that they are not moving in the right direction and...
Sprint2 Review 和 Retrospective Sprint2的确失败了,很多任务没有完成,而且Product Owner对Demo并不满意。大家经过深刻的反思还是发现了不少问题的: <!-- [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:Punctuation...
What’s the difference between a sprint retrospective and sprint review? While thesprint reviewis an opportunity to inspect and adapt the product—giving everyone input into its development—the sprint retrospective involves inspecting and adapting the process. During the sprint retrospective, teams analy...
Sprint retrospectiveContinuous improvementLayered complexityData storiesAfter the team completes the sprint, they come together with the broader customer group to review their completed work. During sprint execution, the team found a few problems with the customer data. While they have some ...
一、Sprint Retrospective的概叙 迭代回顾会是在Sprint Review会议之后,下一个新的sprint开始之前。你可以理解为是当前sprint最后一个会议了,所以很多人认为是总结会,也可以这么理解。参与的人员主要是敏捷团队成员,时长不超过1.5小时。 二、Sprint Retrospective目的 ...