importlombok.Data;;importorg.springframework.stereotype.Component;@Data//lombok省去get/set/toString@Component//交给spring容器管理@ConfigurationProperties(prefix ="servers")//配置文件的位置,对应的属性注入publicclassServerConfig{privateString i...
我们除了以上使用@value的方式还可以使用@ConfigurationProperties的方式但是需要get 和 set prefix的参数必须全部小写 ,否则就报错 Prefix must be in canonical form 不用担心大小写问题 会自动识别大小写 application.yml 内容如下: # 配置对象数据 objTest: name: hu age: 123 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. QuickStartCon...
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mycar") 中的 prefix 必须全部小写!不然会提示:Prefix must be in canonical form。 8. 自动配置原理# 8.1 @EnableAutoConfiguration# // 该注解来标注一个主程序类,说明这是一个 SpringBoot 应用 @SpringBootApplication public class HelloWorldMainApplication { public static ...
Spring Boot ships a new spring-boot-properties-migrator module. Once added as a dependency to your project, this will not only analyze your application’s environment and print diagnostics at startup, but
Spring Boot ships a newspring-boot-properties-migratormodule. Once added as a dependency to your project, this will not only analyze your application’s environment and print diagnostics at startup, but also temporarily migrate properties at runtime for you. This is a must have during your appl...
The prefix value for the annotation must be in kebab case (lowercase and separated by -, such as prefix必须使用kebab形式 下图是每个文件类型所支持的形式(Upper case format 只适用于操作系统的变量中) 使用配置信息 environment 直接注入 @Autowired private Environment environment...
Spring MVC view prefix. spring.mvc.view.suffix Spring MVC view suffix. spring.resources.add-mappings true Whether to enable default resource handling. spring.resources.cache.cachecontrol.cache-private Indicate that the response message is intended for a single user and must not be stored by a sha...
Spring Boot ships a new spring-boot-properties-migrator module. Once added as a dependency to your project, this will not only analyze your application’s environment and print diagnostics at startup, but also temporarily migrate properties at runtime for you. This is a must have during your ...
spring-boot-auto-configure 加载spring-factories文件,文件中定义了 所有的 Spring 场景下的工厂,如 各种 xxxAutoConfiguration 类、Listener、Filter 等等,并缓存下来。在接下来调用 run 运行时,会根据条件注入、Filter 等过滤掉其中不需要用到的 工厂 、bean。下面是主要代码 ...
第一个 Spring boot 应用 创建pom 编写测试代码 测试运行 可执行的 Jar 自动配置 Maven 依赖管理 常用组件自动配置 自动配置原理 SpringApplication @SpringBootApplication @SpringBootConfiguration @ComponentScan @EnableAutoConfiguration @Import(AutoConfigurationImportSelector.class) Spring boot 的使用 @Configuration ...