Prefix must be in canonical form 日志 通过@ConfigurationProperties进行初始化赋值,如上图所示,idea报红线,提示前缀必须采用规范形式。这是因为prefix属性值不支持驼峰命名!!! 解决 方式一:prefix属性值都小写(单词组之间也是小写) @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "constants.prop.ljsadvice") 方式二:prefix属性值...
在使用@ConfigurationProperties时,好死不死报了一个我看不懂的红,像这样 我自然是一副很懵逼的状态,红线上写的错是prefix must be in canonical form,意思是前缀必须是规范格式,我又认真的看了一遍,还是觉得很规范很优雅啊 但红线说错了一定就是错了 忽然灵光一闪,会不会是大小写的问题呢,改掉之后,果然红线消...
Reason: Canonical names should be kebab-case ('-' separated), lowercase alpha-numeric characters and must start with a letter Action: Modify 'customProperties' so that it conforms to the canonical names requirements. As shown above, we get an error messageModify ‘customProperties’ so that it...
Must be either http or https, all in lowercase. host Must be a fully qualified domain name, an IPv4 or IPv6 literal string, or a wildcard. Unlike the scheme, which must be lowercase, the host portion is case-insensitive. Depending on how its host portion is specified, a UrlPrefix fa...
Hi, i have a list of some names and thier new name replacement data. I want to lookup in a range where the real name have some added suffixes characters. Is there any formula which can be typ... ravi0408 How about =XLOOKUP(1,XMATCH($A$3:$A$10&"*",D3,2),$B$3:$B...
EmailVerification-1737115705000":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-components/common/EmailVerification-1737115705000","value":{"email.verification.title":"Email Verification Required","":"To participate in the community, you must first verify your ...
SemVer is a great thing. But the different pacakge managers has there own restrictions. For example if the package manager insist to use floating point number there can be SemVer version number 2.001004 instead of string "2.1.4". Canonical SemVer says that the version number must be "2.1.4"...
SpringBootにて@ConfigurationPropertiesを使ってapplication.ymlの値を読み取る際に以下の警告が出た。 Prefix must be in canonical form {行数} 問題点 読み取り元のymlファイルは以下。 application.yml sampleData:data1:hogedata2:fuga 読み取りをするにあたり、下記のように記述していた。
根据Property Binding in Spring Boot 2.0:结果表明,如果您将其限制在一个方向上,那么放松属性名称的...
A prefix name must be a valid NCName, or the empty string. The empty string is reserved to mean "the default namespace". Need not check the RFC2396 validity of the URI. Bad URIs are either silently ignored or behave as if they were good. The earlier restriction that the URI should ...