(without Patchy scenes) Nov-23-2012 (on CBS) Fri 9:30p 175 It’s a SpongeBob Christmas! (with Patchy scenes) Dec-6-2012 Thu 8:00p 2013 183B Squid Defense Jan-1-2013 Tue 7:00p 186B Plankton’s Pet Jan-19-2013 Sat 10:30a 182A Little Yellow Book Mar-2-2013 Sat 10:30a 184B...
Patchy's Beach Bash! SpongeBob Fan Favorites DVD features SpongeBob's Start The First Season Crew on... Behind the Pantis Square Roots Theme parks SpongeBob ParadePants Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast 4-D: Ride The Great Jelly Rescue! Transcripts Galleries Wiki Community About...
He then introduces the episode by telling the audience that Encino being a lost city reminds him of a story about another lost city, Atlantis. After Plankton finds an arsenal of weapons, the scene cuts back to Patchy who states that even though Encino is still lost, he at least fixed ...
There is a deleted scene in the storyboard version featured on the Lost at Sea DVD that has Patchy ripping off a SpongeBob band-aid when destroying his SpongeBob stuff. The storyboards have another deleted scene where Patchy the Pirate goes inside of Don's Import Store & Delicatessen, but ...
WelcometoPatchy'sPick 要不你们来厨房♥吧 Whydon'tyoucomeonbacktothegalley? 我今天在给你们整点消遣的 I'mcookinguparealtreatforyoutoday 骗上贼船 我们要来看我最爱的节目骗上贼船 We'regoingtoseemefavoriteshow,Shanghaied 无聊 Boring 这不就是我的没意思小跟班 ...
AndnowitstimeforPatchysPick 派斯精选 主持人是海绵宝宝的头号hearts;粉丝 hostedbySpongeBobsnumberonefan 海盗派斯 PatchythePirate 你们好粉丝同伴们 Ahoy,fellowfanatics 欢迎收看派斯精选 WelcometoPatchysPick 要不你们来厨房hearts;吧 Whydontyoucomeonbacktothegalley? 我今天在给你们整点消遣的 Imcookinguparealtre...
Patchy-Santa, Patrick, Patrick's Conscience, Patty, Pearl, Pearl Puller, Pedestrian Robots, Pedro, Pet Owners, Pet Shop Owner, Peter Lorre Fish, Peterson, Phantom, Phone, Phorkys, Photo Fish, Photographer, Pillow, Pillow Fish, Pilot #1, Pinch-o-Matic, Pinocchio, Pipsqueak, Pizza Guy, Plank...
"has been dumbed down too far," and that SpongeBob's voice had become "more nasal over the years." He described the character "like a happy, fun-loving, not-overly-intelligent sponge," but said that "[He] has entirely lost the naïveté which has long been the basis of his charm....
The world is waitingin anticipation to watch \"SpongeBobSquarePants: The Lost Episode.\" Here topresent the lost episode, from Encino,California, the president of the SpongeBobSquarePants fan club--Patchy the Pirate... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还...
海绵宝宝满心期待,以为分店经理一职非自己莫属,然而蟹老板却以他不够成熟为理由,将分店交给章鱼哥打理。 是个帅哥🤵 3-6 1 鼠鼠我会闻到好吃的味道 好吃的鼠鼠 好吃的镇楼 巨型马桶 3-6 16 海绵宝宝 第九季 1080p 中英双语音轨(自制) ys333666 大家好 我又又又又又又又又来了 这次分享...