870 A Very Patchy Holiday Livestream Dec-15-2023 Fri 7:00p 2024 296B Squidiot Box Feb-12-2024 Mon 5:00p 297B Don’t Make Me Laugh Feb-12-2024 Mon 5:15p 298 Momageddon / Pet the Rock Feb-14-2024 Wed 5:00p 299A Tango Tangle Feb-20-2024 Tue 5:00p 297A Blood i$ Thicker...
He is a very cynical, selfish, sassy (as Patchy the Pirate stated in a deleted scene), introverted (as he stated himself), and a stick-in-the-mud individual. He works as the cashier at the Krusty Krab, a job he usually hates, most likely due to SpongeBob's annoyance and Mr. Krabs...
Patchy then steps on something, and it is revealed he found Encino, but shrunk to a very small size. Then, three aliens appear and apologize to Patchy by explaining that their son, Norblock Five, was playing with a "Shrinkatron" again. Patchy begs to the aliens that he wants his ...
Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants/Gary/Mr. SquarePants/Narrator/Patchy the Pirate/Others) As a youngster, Kenny was a fan of comic books and animated shows. Although he did everything he could to learn about animation, he never imitated the voices of others, but preferred to create his own ...
ImPatchythePirate 海绵宝宝粉丝俱乐部的主席 presidentoftheSpongeBobSquarePantsFanClub 舒服多了 Thatsbetter 圣诞快乐 MerryChristmas 说得对波蒂 Thatsright,Potty 现在就是圣诞节 ItisChristmas 七大洋里最好的东西 Andthereaintnothingbetterinthesevenseas
And a pirate named Patchy. This may be twisted, but is SpongeBob ever going to score? I would say maybe if they did a SpongeBob-all-grown-up show like that Rugrats one. Right now, anything romantic or carnal is so far off his radar that I don't even think it enters into his ...
PatchythePirate 派斯 嗨 Hi 我是海盗派斯 I'mPatchythePirate 海绵宝宝粉丝俱乐部的主席 presidentoftheSpongeBobSquarePantsFanClub 舒服多了 That'sbetter 圣诞快乐 MerryChristmas 说得对波蒂 That'sright,Potty 现在就是圣诞节 ItisChristmas 七大洋里最好的东西 ...
Singing: Sandy is a very good singer; the episode "Texas" was the first time she was shown singing. Guitar: Sandy has played guitar while singing several times, also, in the episode "Band Geeks," she was the Lead guitarist of the band. Lasso: Sandy can throw a lasso very easily such...
A Very Aggressive Vegetable (found Nickelodeon Australia animated short series; 1998) Bumpers and Promos 101% Whizbang! with Henry & June (partially found Nickelodeon channel block; 1999) Blood and Guts (partially found Nickelodeon bumpers; 2000s) ...
Patchy-Santa, Patrick, Patrick's Conscience, Patty, Pearl, Pearl Puller, Pedestrian Robots, Pedro, Pet Owners, Pet Shop Owner, Peter Lorre Fish, Peterson, Phantom, Phone, Phorkys, Photo Fish, Photographer, Pillow, Pillow Fish, Pilot #1, Pinch-o-Matic, Pinocchio, Pipsqueak, Pizza Guy, Plank...