Method 1 – Using the Text to Columns Feature to Split a Cell into Two Rows in Excel Steps: Select the cell that you want to split. We selected cellC5. Open theDatatab. FromData Tools, select theText to Columnsoption. A dialogboxnamedConvert Text to Columns Wizardwill pop up. Select ...
We have a dataset where columnBconsists of full names. We have to split the cells of columnBinto two columns, e.g., first name and last name. Method 1 – Split One Cell into Two Using the Text to Columns Feature Steps: Select the whole dataset e.g.B4:B11. Pick theText to Column...
This tutorial demonstrates how to split a cell’s content into two or more columns in Excel. A common task in Excel is to split the contents of one cell into multiple cells. This is often necessary when data are exported from some other software to Excel and need to be sorted out ...
Now the cells have been split into separated date and time. Tip. With Split Cells utility, you can split single cell into rows or columns by delimiter or fixed width. If you want to have a free trial of the Split Cells function, please go to free try Kutools for Excel first, and the...
Split a Text Cell Into Rows If you have text in a single cell delimited with some character (space, tab, semicolon, etc.), it can be split into multiple rows usingText to ColumnsandTranspose Datain Excel. Say you have the semicolon-delimited product list in the picture below and want ...
Here are some cells in a sheet, each one of the cells contains several values, and now, I want to split the cells into a range as a table as below screenshot shown. Is there any tricks on solving this job in Excel? Split cell into a table with Text to Columns ...
1. Quickest Way to Split a Text Cell into Two or More Columns in Excel Using the Text to Columns function is the quickest way to split a text cell into two or more rows in Excel. Steps: Step 1: First, you must go to the Ribbon and choose a text cell (assume it is B1). Furthe...
Whether you need to separate split cells by commas, spaces, dashes, or any other character, you can use this versatile tool to create multiple columns or rows from a single cell. You can also specify a mask to split string by a certain pattern. Free download For Microsoft Excel 365, 20...
Split a cell in Excel You might want to split a cell into two smaller cells within a single column. Unfortunately, you can't do this in Excel. Instead, create a new column next to the column that has the cell you want to split and then split the cell. You can also split the ...
Cell B1: =INDEX($A$1:$A$50,ROW()*2-1,1) Cell C1: =INDEX($A$1:$A$50,ROW()*2,1) Then you can copy the formulas to cells below, as far as needed. These formulas "redistribute" your cells contents between the two columns, regardless of the text itself. Share Follo...