Method 1 – Using the Text to Columns Feature to Split a Cell into Two Rows in Excel Steps: Select the cell that you want to split. We selected cellC5. Open theDatatab. FromData Tools, select theText to Columnsoption. A dialogboxnamedConvert Text to Columns Wizardwill pop up. Select ...
We’ll split each name into two parts. The first part will be displayed in Cell 1 column and another part in Cell 2 column. Steps: Select the cells that you want to split into multiple cells. From the Data tab, select the Text to Columns tool from the Data Tools group. In the ...
Split one cell contents into columns/rows by length with Kutools for Excel If you want to split strings by a specific text length, you also can use Kutools for Excel’s Split Cells function. After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as below:(Free Download Kutools for Excel Now!) ...
1. Quickest Way to Split a Text Cell into Two or More Columns in Excel Using the Text to Columns function is the quickest way to split a text cell into two or more rows in Excel. Steps: Step 1: First, you must go to the Ribbon and choose a text cell (assume it is B1). Furthe...
Kutools for Excel's Split Cells feature is a powerful tool, it can help you to split cell values into multiple columns or rows, it also can help you to slit alphanumeric strings into separated text and numbers columns, etc… Click to download Kutools for Excel!Method 2: Separate text an...
If you have a Name column, you can separate it into First and Last name columns First, open the spreadsheet that you want to split a column in excel Next, highlight the cells to be divided. Hold the SHIFT key and click the last cell on the range Alternatively, right-click and drag ...
Cell B1: =INDEX($A$1:$A$50,ROW()*2-1,1) Cell C1: =INDEX($A$1:$A$50,ROW()*2,1) Then you can copy the formulas to cells below, as far as needed. These formulas "redistribute" your cells contents between the two columns, regardless of the text itself. Share Follo...
How to split cells in Excel using Text to Columns TheText to Columnsfeature comes in really handy when you need to split cell contents into two or more cells. It allows separating text strings by a certain delimiter such as comma, semicolon or space as well as splitting strings of a fixe...
This will instantly split the cell’s text into two different columns. Note: Text to Column feature splits the content of the cells based on the delimiter. While this works well if you want to separate the first name and the last name, in the case of first, middle, and last name it...
To accomplish this you could split columnAinto two columns usingText to Columnsfunction in theDatatab and then split on:. Alternatively, you can also keep everything as is and merely store the number values in each cell. Then you can change the number format for each cell to show what ev...