奎斯維爾博士(Dr. W. A. Criswell) 在他對這節經文的解釋中說,屬血氣的人 "在靈界中盲目地摸索…無法理解屬靈界的真理"(The Criswell Study Bible,Thomas Nelson, 1979版, 第1346頁; 對哥林多前書 2:14的註解)。 一切浸信教徒與新教徒都相信希伯來文和希臘文聖經的默示性 —— 從頭至尾、每一詞句都...
However, for the rest (the non-elect unsaved who are spiritually blind), such wisdom is “hidden,” because God hides the truth of the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ from them (God leaves them in their blindness!). This is made unmistakably clear in 2 Corinthians 4:3,“But if...
Ancient Free-Masoniy, like tho wonder ful Old Testament of our Bible, has boon pre served to perpetuate the knowledge of a groat Our Premium Steel Engravings. They are not made by any of tho modern and mighty truth, known to the ancients, and cheap methods of reproduction; nor ...
Four decades ago, when I began lecturing on self-esteem, the challenge was to persuade people that the subject was worthy of study. Almost no one was talking about self-esteem in those days. Today, almost everyone seems to be talking about self-esteem, and the danger is that the idea ma...
[ex]the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; 19 who, being past feeling, have given themsel...
耶稣与尼哥底母 - 有个法利赛人,名叫尼哥底母,他是犹太人的一位首领。 夜里,他来见耶稣,说∶“拉比(老师),我们知道您是来自上帝的老师,因为假如上帝不与您同在,没人能行您行的神迹。” 耶稣回答道∶“我实话告诉你,如果一个人不重生,就不能在上帝的王国占有一席