Explore the risks and side effects of excessive masturbation. Find out how it can affect your health and what steps to take for a balanced life.
In this episode of How to Study the Bible, we're looking at John 9 and reading about two different cases of blindness - the blind man's journey toward physical sight and spiritual belief, and the Pharisees' descent into hard-heartedness and spiritual blindness....
So we see that as of December 8, 2002 when we copied the above quotation from the Mormon (LDS) church's official web site that it clearly and unambiguously states that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The next logical step is to confirm that. But first, let's double-check an...
The replies I have seen by both the admin of this site, and the Christian contributors, underscores the incredible spiritual blindness that Orthodox Christian indoctrination breeds. The plain fact is, Christianity was the result of a sect of Jewish messianic followers of Yeshu the Nazarean breaki...
What is a common characteristic of human consciousness? What does complete awareness of an object refer to? What does biopsychology focus on? What limits neuroplasticity? What is cognitive failure? What is spiritual intelligence? What is conscious evolution?
What is spiritual intelligence? What is context-dependent memory? What is Language Acquisition Device? What is Karpman's triangle? Explain and give the connection between behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Which one is most important, and how can they be connected to happiness?
One problem that our church suffered in the wilderness period is that commands were given to people in ways that treated everyone as though they were in the formation stage on their path of spiritual growth. Thus, if a “leader” was in the formation stage and demanded blind obedience of a...
(uncountable) Lack of understanding or compassion; spiritual or mental blindness. Darkness (uncountable) Secrecy; concealment. Darkness (uncountable) Lack of knowledge; obscurity or meaning or intelligibility; the unknown. Darkness (uncountable) Hell. Darkness The absence of light; blackness; obscurity;...
(uncountable) Lack of understanding or compassion; spiritual or mental blindness. Dark Marked by or conducted with secrecy: hidden, secret; clandestine, surreptitious. Darkness (uncountable) Secrecy; concealment. Dark Without moral or spiritual light; sinister, malign. A dark villain; A dark deed Da...
I call them five year olds on account that they do not discern the times or clearly what their in-actions on their part is creating for themselves in God’s realm, the spiritual side of God’s creation!! A horrible calamity is coming!!!