Finally, let’s not forget the mental inputs.Computer programmers are well aware of the acronym GIGO: garbage in, garbage out. If you don’t like the results that are coming out, check what is going in. The apostle Paul gives us an outstanding checklist inPhilippians 4:8. If your menta...
It seemed that you could assign an acronym to your chosen prayer formula as an aid to remembering and staying on track with it. I’d like to say that what I learned about prayer in that study group changed my prayer life instantly and forever, but it didn’t. Instead, this new ...
So the acronym serves as a reminder for people of what they have come to see, to be real and to to be true about them in the world as they’ve been reading through the book.Four Steps to Spiritual AwakeningAndrew SeatonAnd the acronym is simply one that reminds people that there’s ...
The lettersyud,shin,reish,alefandlamedwhich form the word “Yisrael” the name of us as a nation and the name of our land are amazingly the exact acronym for the names of theAvosandImahosof the Jewish people: Yitzchak, Yaakov, Sara, Rivka, Rachel, Avraham and Leah (according to the Ar...
Chapter 4: The True Sabbath Rest, the Word, and our New High Priest Chapter 5: Jesus Christ our true High Priest, His sacrifice for us, and the reversion of the Jerusalem church Chapter 6: The Hope that Anchors us Chapter 7: Our New High Priest: Jesus Christ ...
It involves the acronym “REACH“: Recall the hurt (face it) Empathize (be kind and compassionate) Altruistically offer forgiveness (to oneself) Commit publicly (share it) and Hold on to that forgiveness and stay true to the decision. Regret Can Be All-Consuming – a Neurobehavioral Scientist...
As Novell's product description explains, the “ZEN” in ZENworks is an acronym for “Zero Effort Networking,” which is then associated with the “enlightened” network possibilities allowed for by “configuration management.”64 (One wonders if Novell even anticipated situations wherein typing ...
Praise involves acknowledging the greatness of our God. Remember the ACTS acronym we looked at in Lesson 2: Adoration / Confession / Thanksgiving / Supplication. Praise is the Adoration part of this. We don't praise God to stroke his ego or make him more inclined to answer our prayers. We...
” In 1974, Lear started T.A.T. Communications, the acronym for the Yiddish phrase Tochis Affen Tisch, or put your butt on the table, which produced “One Day at a Time,”“Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman” and other shows. “Norman felt that he really wanted to be, as he put it, ...
I came upon this acronym on Facebook the other day, and I think it’s going to be the perfect way to remind myself to ‘Speak Compassionately’ from here on in: “T.H.I.N.K.before you speak! Is what you are about to sayTrue,Helpful,Inspiring,Necessary, and above all,Kind?” ...