When dealing with a sports injury or similar type of injury, many people are familiar with the R.I.C.E. protocol for injury care. R.I.C.E. stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation and has long been used when treating everything from sprained ankles to banged up knees. With ...
{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.search.acronym", "description": "String", "displayName": "String", "id": "String (identifier)", "lastModifiedBy": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.identitySet"}, "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)", "standsFor": "String", "state": "St...
standsFor String What the acronym stands for. state microsoft.graph.search.answerState State of the acronym. Possible values are: published, draft, excluded, unknownFutureValue. webUrl String The URL of the page or website where users can go for more information about the acronym. Inherited fro...
HTTP/1.1200OKContent-Type: application/json{ "id": "733b26d5-af76-4eea-ac69-1a0ce8716897", "displayName": "DNN", "standsFor": "DeepNeuralNetwork", "description": "Adeepneuralnetworkisaneuralnetworkwithacertainlevelofcomplexity,aneuralnetworkwithmorethantwolayers.", "webUrl": "http://mi...
The acronym "WEIRD," which stands for Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic, was introduced by Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine, and Ara Norenzayan in 2010 to highlight the fact that a significant portion of psychological research has been conducted on ...
CTA stands for call-to-action. The term refers to any line of text that forces users into action. By adding CTA to your website and various marketing materials, you increase the number of visits and conversions. Basically, it is a type of reminder for users that they can gain more value...
WampServer for Linux is a popular software package that allows users to easily create and manage web development environments on their Linux systems. WampServer is anacronymthat stands for Windows, MySQL Apache PHP 原创 wx5e85690364232 9月前 ...
"It stands for frequency, intensity and time," he said. Frequency and time: How often and for how long? Federal physical activity guidelines call for 150 minutes or more ofmoderate intensityor 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week for adults, or a combination of the two. That ca...
XS stands for Extra SmallSuggest new definitionThis definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Business, finance, etc. See other definitions of XS Other Resources: We have 1 other meaning of XS in our Acronym Attic Link/Page Citation ...
How is Rest Of The Afternoon Off abbreviated? ROTAO stands for Rest Of The Afternoon Off. ROTAO is defined as Rest Of The Afternoon Off somewhat frequently.