MEET THE DOCTORS Meet the top minds caring for patients at Wilmington Spine and Joint Dr. Nikki Bailey Read more The spark that fueled the fire occurred on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean in Dewey Beach Delaware. Dr. Nikki Bailey started her career of service to others as an Ocean Lifegu...
and when necessary, surgery– for scoliosis patients in every stage of life. Rather than visiting multiple providers, our patients receive the medical attention and resources needed all under one roof from our onsite doctors, physician’s assistants, orthotists, physical therapists, and imaging special...
German paramedics of different levels of training and education, as well as prehospitally active emergency doctors, were requested to participate in that survey. The paramedic system in Germany consists of different educational levels. There are “Rettungssanitäter” (RS; ambulance man/officer) ...