Fig. 1: Flow diagram of participant screening, recruitment and retention. pSCI person/people with spinal cord injury, CP CP(s), T1 assessment occurring before the program, T2 assessment occurring after 13 weeks of the program, T3 assessment occurring after 25 weeks of the program. Full size...
The patients’ flow diagram. The figure shows the overall flow of prospective study. Patients without JOA values at 24 months after surgery were excluded, and all other patients were included. Thus, 255 patients were enrolled in the prospective study, but 175 patients were excluded Abbreviations:...
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating neurological disorder with high mortality and disability rates [1]. For 30 years, its global prevalence has increased from 236 to 1298 cases per million in different countries [2, 3]. Despite its relatively small total numbers compared to cancer and ...
PRISMA 2020 flow diagram for new systematic reviews which included searches of databases, registers and other sources. * Records were excluded by humans; no automation tools were used. ** Eleven articles were not available for full-text retrieval after having unsuccessfully attempted to contact the ...
The results, visualized through a chord diagram (Figure S2), further confirm the pivotal role of lipid metabolism in the progression of SCI, aligning with previous research findings. Additionally, a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of these DEGs involved in lipid metabolism pathways was ...
Spinal cord injury (SCI) triggers distinct systemic changes in circulating white blood cell (WBC) numbers and phenotype [1,2,3], and is associated with immune infiltration into the lesion site [4,5,6]. The inflammatory response itself has long been recognised as a therapeutic target in SCI...
Potentiated sEPSCs of SDH neurons and the occlusion of ACC-induced facilitation in rats with neuropathic pain. a A schematic diagram showing the SNI model. The tibial nerve (TN) and common peroneal nerve (CPN) were cut and ligated but leaving the sural nerve (SN) intact. b A significant ...
C Venn diagram of overlapping protein differences in T205I and V72G relative to WT. D Volcano plot of protein differences in the T205I line relative to WT. Proteins associated with innate immunity are indicated by larger dots. E Volcano plot of protein differences in the V72G line relative...
Bar graphs at the bottom of each chord diagram represent the relative contribution of different ligand-receptor pairs predicted for each signaling pathway. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full size image Global and neuron-specific analyses of injury-induced signaling pathways Global ...
Figure 1.(Top) Schematic diagram showing viscerosomatic convergence of primary afferent fibers onto neurons of lamina I and lamina V of the spinal dorsal horn. The output of these neurons contributes to the perception of visceral pain. (Bottom) Patterns of termination of somatic (left) and visc...