Anterior cord syndrome: This type of injury, to the front of the spinal cord, damages the motor and sensory pathways in the spinal cord. You may retain some sensation, but struggle with movement. Central cord syndrome: This injury is an injury to the center of the cord, and damages nerves...
The mantle and marginal layers expand over time to become the grey and white matter in the mature spinal cord. (B) Organization of the spinal cord along the dorsal–ventral axis. The transverse section of E10.5 mouse spinal cord has been labeled with antibodies against Nkx6.1 (red), Olig2...
slice/Users/julien/code/spinalcordtoolbox/python/envs/venv_sct/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/ndimage/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divideresults = [sum(input * grids[dir].astype(float), labels, index) / normalizerSuccessfully generated the QC resul...
MN degeneration was assessed in lumbar spinal cord sections from VCPR155H/+and WT animals at various ages. MNs were labeled with toluidine blue, and immunocytochemically using an antibody to non-phosphorylated neurofilament epitopes, SMI-32, which strongly labels MNs as well as their neuritic proc...
Single-cell RNA sequencing data can unveil the molecular diversity of cell types. Cell type atlases of the mouse spinal cord have been published in recent years but have not been integrated together. Here, we generate an atlas of spinal cell types based
Weiss, Spinal cord neurons are vulnerable to rapidly triggered kainate neurotoxicity in vitro, Brain Res. 689 Z1995. 265-270.Yin H, Park DD, Lindsay AD, et al: Spinal cord neurons are vulnerable to rapidly triggered kainate neurotoxicity in vitro. Brain Res 689:265-270, 1995...
This is a dataset of 10,223 B-mode ultrasound images of porcine spinal cord before and after contracting an injury. The images were collected over 25 pigs at with varying aquisition parameters, such as spinal cord depth, imaging angle, gain, brightness, and ultrasound signal coupling medium. ...
If symptoms of spinal cord dysfunction (such as paralysis or loss of sensation) suddenly occur, people should immediately go to the emergency department. Sometimes doing so can prevent permanent spinal cord damage or paralysis. If possible, the cause is treated or corrected....
Next-generation humanised mouse models and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) approaches enable in-depth studies into human immune cell biology. Here we used NSG-SGM3 mice engrafted with human umbilical cord haematopoietic stem cells to investigate ho
it has been observed that non-traumatic spinal cord injuries, such as spinal cord compression, tumor in the spinal cord, inflammatory causes or autoimmune causes, damage from radiation, infection or disruption of blood to the spinal cord, are much more common among the population living in the ...