Spinalcordinjurycanhavecatastrophicresults.Atypicalinjurytothecordbecauseofassociatedtraumaticbraininjuryorinjurytotheairway. resultsinedema,hemorrhage,andinvolvementofsensory,motor,andsympa- theticchangesthatmayresultinspinalshock.InjuriesaremorelikelytoRespiratory Considerations ...
It includes a basic understanding of spinal cord injuries and issues relevant to disability, as well as knowledge of the physical skills involved in functional activities and the therapeutic strategies for acquiring these skills. It also presents an approach to the cord-injured person that promotes ...
only with complete injuries. Neurological examination Introduction The neurological examination has two components (sensory and motor), which are separately described below. Further, the neurological examination has both required as well as optional, though recom- mended, elements. The required elements ar...
American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment ScaleNeurogenic shockSpinal cord injury often results in devastating neurologic disability. As such, patients require significant intensive care medical expertise to optimize outcome. The pathophysiology of spinal cord in...
include: the timing of decompressive surgery the adjunctive use of solumedrol management of penetrating injuries radiographic evaluation spinal stabilization pediatric SCI Surgical Management of Spinal Cord Injury is an essential new book for all members of the patient care team involved in spinal cord ...
《Spinal Cord Injuries脊髓损伤:治疗和康复》作者:Elsevier Medicine,出版社:2008年1月 第1版,ISBN:673.10。Fromahospitaladmittancetodischargetooutpatientreha
Injuries sustained as a result of horse riding are common. Serious injuries to the nervous system are the most dangerous. An analysis has been made of 11 papers, new figures produced by surveying Stoke Mandeville, Oswestry and Odstock spinal units and by
Spinal cord injury may produce both immediate and long term stress and disability. The liaison psychiatrist may have an important role in dealing with the problems of the spinal cord injured patient, his family and the medical team. Problems occurring ma
Spinal Cord Injuries(脊髓损伤)SpinalCordInjuries L.Barnes,BS,CCEMT-P,NREMT-P “Amongallneurologicdisorders,thecosttosocietyofautomotiveSCIisexceededonlybythecostofmentalretardation.”NationalInstitutesofHealth SpinalAnatomyandPhysiology VertebralColumn 33bonescomprisethespineFunction Sk...
Divided into five sections, traumatic brain injury, ischemic stroke, intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage, and spinal cord injury, this text offers the most current medical science and highlights controversies in the clinical management of patients with acute brain and spinal cord injuries.Acute ...