Announces the availability of a national database of educational materials on spinal cord injury, sponsored by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA). Locating videos, films, booklets and manu...
Ponemah Software Suite Back To Top Google Scholar Indexes 17 Publications Citing DSI, Spinal Cord Injury and Sexual Function Request more information or a quote Highlighted Publications Chung, E., Yoon, T. G., Kim, S., Kang, M., Kim, H. J., & Son, Y. (2017). Intravenous administr...
认识脊髓损伤 (Spinal Cord Injury) 脊髓损伤就是对脊椎的伤害,会影响到你的运动、感觉或器官的工作方式。损伤可以因脊椎的割伤、拉伸或肿块而发生。损伤也可以是由病毒、肿瘤或中风所造成。每个脊髓损伤都不一样。症状和康复取决于发生的位置和严重程度。脊髓受伤后,...
Important Spinal Cord Injury News and Spinal Cord Injury Information for education and awareness. Resources for People living with SCI Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a major cause of paralysis and disability, with more than one-third of all injuries occurring at the thoracic level. Injury to the thoracic spinal cord, with its unique anatomy, rib articulation, and innervation of the abdominal and intercostal muscles, results in ...
Important Spinal Cord Injury News and Spinal Cord Injury Information for education and awareness. Resources for People living with SCI Spinal Cord Injury
脊髓损伤模型(Spinal Cord Injury, SCI)是用于研究脊髓损伤的病理生理机制以及探索治疗方法的重要工具。 (A) 从T2棘突开始,向头部方向制作一个1.5-2厘米的纵向皮肤切口,暴露皮下脂肪层。 (B) 切除一小部分脂肪,以便于触摸到T2棘突。 (C) 以T2棘突作为解剖标志,向头部方向切开肌肉层。通过钝性分离,分离肌肉层...
When an injury to the spinal cord occurs the flow of information from that point down is stopped. This break in instructions to the arms, legs, and other parts of the body will prevent the individual from moving, sometimes breathing, and obstructs or stops any sense of feeling or touch. ...
Care guide for Spinal Cord Injury. Includes: possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options and means of care and support.
脊髓损伤康复spinalcordinjurySCI 脊髓损伤康复spinalcordinjury(SCI)精品课件 1 概述 定义:是由于各种原因引起的脊髓结构、功能的损害,造成损伤平面一下脊髓功能的障碍。分类:外伤性:非外伤性:脊柱、脊髓的病变(肿瘤、结核、畸形等)所引起。约占30% 精品课件 2 常见SCI原因 我国 美国 自高处坠落41.31% 车...