The interaction between a quantum particle’s spin angular momentum1 and its orbital angular momentum2 is ubiquitous in nature. In optics, the spin–orbit optical phenomenon is closely related with the light–matter interaction3 and has been of great int
Here, we summarize the main idea of designing a large SOC effect in light 3dtransition metal ions. First, we consider orbital multiplets to activate the first-order perturbation of SOC, i.e., the on-site term44. The presence of SOC splits the orbital degeneracy and slightly unquenches the...
Photoelectronic mapping of the spin–orbit interaction of intense light fieldsThe interaction between a quantum particle's spin angular momentum and its orbital angular momentum is ubiquitous in nature. In optics, the spin–orbit optical phenomenon is closely related with the light–matter interaction ...
This behavior is attributed to the opposing nature of the polarization components E H - H r and E V - V r in the x -direction after undergoing mapping through the Glan polarizer, while the sum of polarization components E H - V r and E V - H r in the y -direction can be ...
Mapping Earth-analogs from Photometric Variability: Spin-Orbit Tomography for Planets in Inclined Orbits. arXiv 1204.3504FFujii, Y. and Kawahara, H. (2012) Mapping Earth analogs from photometric variability: Spin-orbit tomography for planets in Inclined orbits. Astrophys J 755:101. doi:10.1088/...
By utilizing the twisting-encoded autonomous flip–spin–orbit motions, we showcase the robot's potential for intelligently mapping the geometric boundaries of unknown confined spaces, including convex shapes like circles, squares, triangles, and pentagons and concaves shapes with multi-robots, as ...
The white scale bar has a length of 500 pm. Red circles in f–i and k–n highlight the position of the adatom. Full size image Hybridization of Shiba states in ferromagnetic dimers We now turn to the investigation of the Shiba states in Mn dimers. We can tune the magnetic exchange ...
The shift of the harmonic trap D = 1, T0 = 2π/ωy. Full size image The QPT from spin-balanced to spin polarized phases can be understood by mapping the spin-orbit coupled BEC to the quantum Dicke model. For an interacting BEC in a harmonic trap with a large atom number N (so ...
In this report, we investigate spin and field squeezing of the ground state in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate. By mapping the spin-orbit coupled BEC to the well-known quantum Dicke model, the Dicke type quantum phase transition is presented with the order parameters quantified by ...
{\exp }\). We estimate an interface electric field approximately as 1 mV/Å atN = 1012cm−2. Since ZnO is a light large-gap material, this field is not expected to produce an experimentally measurable SOC and thus cannot account for the change of\({\alpha }_{\exp }\). ...