Spin-orbit interactions of light. 541 Nat Photonics 2015; 9: 796-808.Bliokh, K. Y.; Rodriguez-Fortuno, F. J.; Nori, F.; Zayats, A. V. Spin-Orbit Interactions of Light. Nat. Photonics 2015, 9, 796-808.Bliokh, K. Y., Rodriguez-Fortuno, F. J., Nori, F. & Zayats, A. V...
While the twist of vortex beams in phase and polarization leads to singularities, the twist of metasurfaces also leads to extraordinary properties in both optics and electronics. Here we present the spin-orbit interaction of a vortex beam reflected on twisted few-layer hyperbolic metasurfaces. As ...
The investigations on optical angular momenta and their interactions have broadened our knowledge of light’s behavior at sub-wavelength scales. Recent studies further unveil the extraordinary characteristics of transverse spin angular momentum in confin
Y. Spin-orbit interaction of a photon in an inhomogeneous medium. Phys. Rev. A 46, 5199–5207 (1992). Article ADS Google Scholar Bliokh, K. Y., Aiello, A. & Alonso, M. A. in The Angular Momentum of Light (eds. Andrews, D. L. & Babiker, M.) 174–245 (Cambridge Univ. ...
Relativistic Spin-Orbit Interactions of Light Laboratory optics, typically dealing with monochromatic light beams in asingle reference frame, exhibits numerous spin-orbit interaction phenomena dueto the coupling between the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of light. Herewe examin... VM Travin,DA ...
Light carries both spin and orbital momentum. It is found recently that the spin and orbital properties are strongly coupled with each other when light is tightly confined to subwavelength waveguiding structures. Here we exploit this spin-orbit interaction to propose an on-chip photonic isolator. Op...
Di- rectional nanophotonic atom-waveguide interface based on spin-orbit interaction of light, 2014. URL http://www.arXiv:1406.0896v2.J. Petersen, J. Volz, and A. Rauschenbeutel, "Chiral nanophotonic waveguide interface based on spin- orbit coupling of light," ArXiv 1406.2184 (2014)....
1 describes the interaction of the spin magnetic moment of an electron with the magnetic moment induced by it while orbiting in the nuclear electrostatic field, involving only spin-same-orbit coupling terms and arises due to electron-nuclear Coulomb attraction. The two-electron contribution expressed...
The interaction between a quantum particle’s spin angular momentum1 and its orbital angular momentum2 is ubiquitous in nature. In optics, the spin–orbit optical phenomenon is closely related with the light–matter interaction3 and has been of great interest4,5. With the development of laser te...
spin Hall effect (SHE) of light, as an analogue of the SHE in electronic systems, is a promising candidate for investigating the SHE in semiconductor spintronics/valleytronics, high-energy physics and condensed matter physics, owing to their similar topological nature in the spin-orbit interaction....