James Franco portrayed Harry Osborn in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films and became the most popular screen adaptation of the character. The son of the notorious Norman Osborn was present in several screen adaptations of the web-slinger. However, one portrayal may have found its way to the fan-...
As readers of speculative fiction, we are spoiled for choice. The book releases in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and beyond this year took us to lands of magic and wonder, newly terraformed planets and generation ships, crumbling gothic mansions, and tech-fueled future Earths...
In this older comic from 1984, Peter Parker visits Tim Harrison—a young child who could very well be Spider-Man's biggest fan. Tim asks to see the Web-Slinger's face, and although Peter hesitates, he eventually shares his secret with the child. Because the child is a fan of Spider-M...
revealing the returns of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s respective Spider-Men alongside Tom Holland’s iteration of the hero.No Way Homeadmittedly relies quite a bit on fan service and nostalgia, but it succeeds in making sure these fan favorites’ special appearances didn’t feel wasted...
Although fanboys may never have the agony and the ecstasy of a true Spider-Man versus Batman showdown (not counting fan-fiction and the possible DC/Marvel crossover that would inevitably leave both groups irate), but a bit of a proxy battle has been launched this week in the form...
In fact, those memories go all the way back to the beginning for me. I literally don’t have any recollections that pre-date my Spider-fandom. I certainly don’t remember seeing the character for the first time[7], so for me it feels like I’ve always been a fan. Here was a ...
and Scorpion – will almost certainly be possible on PC by virtue of player-made mods. In all fairness, Spider-Man's PS4 and PS5 iterations come with loads of fan-pleasing extras, not least dozens of Spidey suits, each of which comes packing its own special ability, and is tied ...
Additionally, it was in the pages ofAmazing Spider-ManNo. 339 (1990) that a fan named Monte Michaelis wrote in to posit a new direction for Marvel Comics to take their Spider-Man story: “How about a Spider-Wars? I’ve noticed that after the SECRET WARS, there were quite...
In no particular order: 1. I was entertained by Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse all the way through, but about two-thirds in, this actual thought surfaced in my brain: Jesus, this film is entertaining. By which I mean that the part of my brain that sto
Spider-Man'slatest issue sees him trapped in everyone's least favorite part of theSpider-ManPs4 game. WhileMarvel's Spider-Manhad quite a few high points, the Screwball missions were not one of them. The social media-crazed supervillain drove many a video game fan bonkers with her constant...