James Franco portrayed Harry Osborn in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films and became the most popular screen adaptation of the character. The son of the notorious Norman Osborn was present in several screen adaptations of the web-slinger. However, one portrayal may have found its way to the fan-...
Garfield briefly reprised the role for multiverse mash-up film “Spider-Man: No Way Home” in 2021, alongside fellow Spideys Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland.“For sure, I would 100 percent come back if it was the right thing, if it’s additive to the culture, if there’s a great ...
(10)SPIDER-MAN FIGURES.“Hasbro Unveils New Spider-Man Marvel Legends Wave for 2025”–Bleeding Coolhas all the photos. Here are a couple. …The first wave of Marvel Legends figures for 2025 have been revealed, with Spider-Man bringing some heat in the new year…. However, the whole rost...
It wasn't bad...it just...wasn't Spider-Man.. As a fan,im insaulted.She wasn't stupid before,to become "stupider" now... I hear ya. @anim said: an out of character Aunt May... He just..wasn't writing Spider-Man. I really don't see how she was out of character...ho...
In Roger Stern and Ron Frenz's The Amazing Spider-Man #248, Peter shows how much empathy he has for others. In this older comic from 1984, Peter Parker visits Tim Harrison—a young child who could very well be Spider-Man's biggest fan. Tim asks to see the Web-Slinger's face, and...
Additionally, it was in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man No. 339 (1990) that a fan named Monte Michaelis wrote in to posit a new direction for Marvel Comics to take their Spider-Man story: “How about a Spider-Wars? I’ve noticed that after the SECRET WARS, there were qui...
Although fanboys may never have the agony and the ecstasy of a true Spider-Man versus Batman showdown (not counting fan-fiction and the possible DC/Marvel crossover that would inevitably leave both groups irate), but a bit of a proxy battle has been launched this week in the form...
Opinion Poll: Which 90's Superhero Cartoon Show Had The Best Opening? In chronological order:Swamp Thing(October 1990 - May 1991)Batman: The Animated Series(September 1992 - September 1995) X-Men: The Animated Series (October 1992 - September 1997)Iron Man: The Animated Series (September 1994...
Spider-Man'slatest issue sees him trapped in everyone's least favorite part of theSpider-ManPs4 game. WhileMarvel's Spider-Manhad quite a few high points, the Screwball missions were not one of them. The social media-crazed supervillain drove many a video game fan bonkers with her constant...
of you, our Faithful Talkbackers. As an added bonus, be sure to look for a very special Q & @ with Marvel EIC Joe Quesada, new AMAZING SPIDER-MAN writer Dan Slott, and Spidey Editor Steve Wacker to be posted very soon (probably today or tomorrow!). In the meantime, enjoy the ...