DownloadSolve 60 challenging puzzles to break an evil Spider wizard's spell and return sunshine to a land of fairies and elves!Picture 1Online Rainbow Spider WebPlay! Spider PendantPopular HandheldSpider pendants and Spider Web pendants. Picture 1 ...
统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 闪回咒 Reverse Spell 闪回前咒Prior Incantato 铁甲咒 Shield Charm 盔甲护身 Protego 减速咒 Slowing Charm 减震止速 Arresto Momentum 昏迷咒 Stunning Spell 昏昏倒地 Stupefy 召唤咒 Summoning Charm 飞来咒 Accio 胳肢咒 Tickling Charm 咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra 开锁咒 Unlocking Spell 阿...
SpellMaster: The Saga [cheats]Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy [GC]Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy [PSX]Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy [Xbox]Spider Man The Movie Game [trainer +2]Spider-Man 2: The Game [cheats]Spider-Man 2: The Game [savegames]...
Despite being warned by Wong not to, Strange attempts to cast the spell with the Runes of Kof-Kol. However, Parker incessantly alters the spell when requesting various individuals close to him to be exempt from its effects. As a result, the spell becomes unstable, forcing Strange to contain...
复苏咒(Reviving Spell)咒语:(Rennervate)可以将人从昏迷中唤醒的魔咒,使用时会出现短暂的红光,但是被多道昏迷咒击中的人没有效果,对黑魔也不生效。复制咒(Doubling Charm)咒语:Gemino Curse 能一模一样地复制实体,当然复制品是毫无价值的。在《死亡圣器》中,贝拉特里克斯的私人金库就被施了这个咒语,...
列宁,弗拉第米尔·伊里奇Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 列维-施特劳斯,克洛德Lévi-Strauss, Claude 罗琳 Rowling, J.K.《哈利·波特》系列小说Harry Potter novels 里的幻想和现实fantasy and reality in 里的善与恶主题theme of good and evil in 洛克,约翰Locke, John 洛威尔,艾米Lowell, Amy 《风向标指向南方》‘...
3月19日,华纳兄弟电影突然宣布,《哈利·波特与魔法石》全新4K修复3D版即将登陆全国影院。霎时间,无数哈迷奔走相告,喜极而嚎。华纳官宣重映的微博下,惊喜万分的哈迷纷纷留言渴望全八部重映。/@华纳兄弟电影 这部电影2001年上映,此后九年都保持着《哈利·波特》系列的票房纪录,直到2011年被最后一集《哈利·波特...
When I was younger and getting into comics, I loved WIZARD magazine. It had information on what was going on in the comics industry, and what the most popular
早在2017年,在伦敦大英博物馆举办的展览《哈利波特:魔法的历史》(Harry Potter:A History of Magic)就揭示了这一IP背后的现实灵感来源。巫师袍、草药、咒语、炼金、魔法动物、还有尖顶的城堡霍格沃茨等等是直截了当的中世纪意象。故事中甚至有一个真实的历史人物,14世纪的炼金术士尼古拉斯·勒梅爵士,被描述为魔法石的...