Scientists put on their thinking caps to name Eriovixia gryffindori, a new spider species, which resembles the Sorting Hat from the "Harry Potter" books and movies. (Image credit: Javed Ahmed et. al / Warner Bros.) A team of arachnologists who are also avid fans of the "Harry Potter"...
【折纸教程-蜘蛛】哈利波特Harry Potter Origami Spider #061, 视频播放量 1032、弹幕量 0、点赞数 31、投硬币枚数 12、收藏人数 42、转发人数 4, 视频作者 纸造俱乐部, 作者简介 在这里分享和记录一些有趣的折纸,欢迎关注✨,相关视频:【折纸教程-戒指】 哈利波特 Harr
Ochyrocera aragogue refers to the giant talking spiderAragogwho lives in the Forbidden Forest in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Ochyrocera misspider gets its name from David Kirk's popular children's series "Little Miss Spider." Finally, Ochyrocera charl...
She was possibly given this name since she watches over Harry. Aragog –"Arachnid" means "spider," and "Gog" was the name of a legendary giant. Combined, the name means "giant spider." It is also possibly derived from the Greek word agog, meaning "leader." Arcturus –This is the ...
Dracula Vampire Elf goblins, gnomes Gnome legend has it that a gnome who cares for treasures in the bottom of the earth Pixie/fairy Elf Banshee demon Aragog Da Ge Living in the Forbidden Forest in the big spider, with elephant generally, a black body and long legs slightly flowering white,...
Harry witnessed the school's previous headmaster, Armando Dippet, informing Riddle that the school would be closed and Riddle, apprehensive of this, catching Rubeus Hagrid fiddling with a large spider in a box. Riddle reported Hagrid to Dippet. During the memory, Harry also learned that Riddle...
《Harry Potter》系列补更章节更新,感谢粉丝点播!忠实粉丝们,你们的支持是我最大的动力!感激:衷心感谢豆子亲的点播,现在,《Harry Potter》系列的补发章节已经全新上线。亲爱的粉丝们,快来关注我们!亲们,若你们喜欢我们的作品,请在文章结尾处随手点击一下,让我们一起分享创作的喜悦!给小猫咪打赏吧!亲们,...
《Harry Potter》系列精选章节更新,满足你的点播需求!忠实读者,感谢你们的支持!感谢豆子亲的支持!您点播的《Harry Potter》系列补发章节已经全部更新完毕。亲爱的粉丝们,好消息来啦!你们期待已久的《Harry Potter》系列补发章节已经全部更新完毕,快来一睹为快吧!亲们,若你们喜欢我们的作品,别忘了在文章结尾处...
诸位想要叫自己“Harry Potter”哈迷请注意:单纯叫Harry没有关系,但是Potter是一个姓,你真的姓potter吗?还是你真的就叫Harry Potter?这跟你中文名叫自己“巴啦啦小魔仙”有得一拼 唯我独尊的“God”朋友:这个你可能自己觉得自己很酷炫,但是这跟叫“玉皇大帝”真的没啥区别啊…大家不要笑,还真的有人叫...
Harry Potter 所谓成长,就是实现独立生存完成独立思考能力的自我奋斗。所谓成熟,就是对内消除傲慢,对外消除偏见的自我修行。 319 6530 Horrible HARRY 42 1516 Horrible Harry 欢迎关注微信公号:开阅英文童书馆,含启蒙至章节各类翻墙资源;欢迎进Q群561845064下载音频 5 1.06万 Harry the Dirty Dog 1 7169 Harry...