Peter-One dives to rescue her, but is knocked aside by Green Goblin — Peter-Three saves her, and begins to tear up as it reminded him of the night Gwen Stacy died. As dawn breaks, Peter-One confronts Green Goblin alone. Ravaged with vengeance, he viciously beats him down and attempts...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Unscripted - Jamie Foxx Sings Electro's Theme Song Movie Details Theatrical Release:May 2nd, 2014-Buy Tickets On DVD & Blu-ray:August 19th, 2014-Buy DVD Movie Budget:$200,000,000 Movie Box Office Gross:$708,962,323 (Worldwide) ...
Months later, Spider-Gwen would get her own monthly book, which continued for over three years. Since then she’s been in various cartoons, become an action figure, and now she’s on the silver screen. It’s all kinds of incredible and a demonstration of the incredible flexibi...
英文原版:This card has bananas (spelled: B-A-N-A-N-A-S).猎人的这两张卡都是出自歌曲的歌词,一串香蕉的英文原版出自歌手Gwen Stefani的歌曲《hollaback girl》,原版歌词是"Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas(让我听你说,这废话是个香蕉),B-A-N-A-N-A-S",而中文趣文则是出自李叔...