Spider-Gwen is voiced by Hailee Steinfeld. Sony Pictures Animation Created by writer Jason Latour and artist Robbi Rodriguez, she first appeared in 2014'sEdge of Spider-Verse No. 2and her striking design won her an ongoingSpider-Gwenseries, but that ended after its 34th is...
Additionally, Kaluuya voiced Hobbie Jones in the Spider-Verse series, which technically is Sony's animated Spider-Verse--but that does have ties to the official MCU as well. And just for a little fun, Kaluuya also played Black Death in Kick-Ass 2, which is an adaptation of a Marvel comi...
Parents always want their kids to love the same movies they adored when they were young, but it doesn't always work out that way. (I still haven’t gotten over the way my girls dismissed the Sam RaimiSpider-Man.I honestly thought about looking into paternity tests.) Thankfully, both my...