Active Time 45 Minutes Servings 8-10 ★★★No rating value for Spiced Apple-Mascarpone Bundt Cake Ingredients 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 2 1/4 cups plus...
spiced apple发音 意思翻译 调过味的苹果 相似词语短语 pineapple───n.[园艺]菠萝;[园艺]凤梨;adj.凤梨科的 a bad apple───烂苹果;坏蛋 bad apple───坏家伙 bake apple───n.云莓干 baked-apple───烤苹果 bitter apple───苦果 cedar apple───胶锈菌瘿 cider-apple───苹果酒 epice...
Huber Winery Spiced Apple, Indiana, USA 年份全部年份 NV 国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (NV年份) 酒庄 胡贝尔酒庄 产区 美国 品种独家混酿 酒款综述 此款酒来自美国胡贝尔酒庄,是一款很好的苹果酒,带有肉桂、丁香、豆蔻的香气。 红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载 猜你喜欢 跨境2012年艾肯卢...
外部播放此歌曲> SHABBY ROASTER - Spiced Apple 专辑:Winter Latte 歌手:SHABBY ROASTER 还没有歌词哦
Stir in the apple. Step 5 Spoon the mix into the muffin tin and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake for 25 minutes, or until a skewer comes our clean when inserted into the middle. Cool on a rack. Store in an airtight container for up to 7 days. If you like the flavour of apple...
英式苹果酸辣酱Spiced apple chutney的做法步骤 步骤1 将苹果去核 步骤2 切成小丁 步骤3 糖+辣椒粉+盐(原房子的材料这时候混合即可) 步骤4 放入苹果丁和洋葱碎 步骤5 加入芥末籽 展开全部 步骤6 步骤6 加白醋拌均匀 步骤7 全部混合好后小火煮,时不时搅拌一下 ...
英国chutney都是酸甜的,用醋和糖。印度有很多不同的,而且经常不放醋,不放糖,而是用一些不完全熟的水果,比如绿芒果,味道又酸又甜 Spiced apple chutney原来是印度那边的,这个方子是英国版本... 苹果 900g 洋葱 225g(切碎) 葡萄干 110g(原方子有,我没有加,大家如果喜欢也可以加入) GroundCoriander 15g(原方...
Homemade Apple Syrup recipe I’m one of those people who’d rather have pie than cake. I said what I said. I get it from my dad — he’d always rather have an apple pie for his birthday than achocolate cake. Apple pie is something we eat year-round in my family, not just on ...