R:电阻 (Resistor) C:电容 (Capacitor) L:电感 (Inductor) V:独立电压源(Independent Voltage Source) I:独立电流源 (Independent Current Source) E:电压控制电压源(Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source) G:电压控制电流源(Voltage-Controlled Current Source) H:电流控制电压源(Current-Controlled Voltage Source) F...
SPICE ResistorModel SPICE-compatible resistor Voltage-Controlled SwitchVoltage-controlled switch with hysteresis Functions subcircuit2sscConvert SPICE subcircuit to customSimscapecomponents ee_convertedmosfetvalidationGenerate standard MOSFET characteristics for Simscape and validate conversion results against SPICE simul...
R Resistor C Capacitor K Mutual inductor T Transmission lines (lossless) V Independent voltage source I Independent current source G (Non)linear voltage-controlled current source E (Non)linear voltage-controlled voltage source F (Non)linear current-controlled current source H (Non)linear current-cont...
The IGBT wide base conductivity modulated resistor is effectively equivalent by using a voltage controlled resistor. Based on analytical equation describing the semiconductor physics, the model parameters are extracted accurately via measured data without device destruction. Employing the MOS-level-8 SPICE ...
VoltagedependentvoltageBipolartransistor CurrentdependentcurrentVoltagecontrolledswitch VoltagedependentcurrentLosslesstransmissionline CurrentdependentvoltageUniformRC-line tcurrentsourcetvoltagesource JFETtransistorCurrentcontrolledswitch ...
You can make a oscillator with a Vswitch + cap + resistor. One of fun parts of spice is you can make up parts that do not exist. Voltage controlled current source with time. I can make a part that is a formula having many inputs, time, frequency, voltage, temp., current, etc an...
9、=10e 6 von=0.7 voff=0.0),s n-NC nc-sname S1 6 5 4 0 smod,带电压控制开关的电路图, example Voltage-controlled switch * sinusoidal input Voltage of 200v peak with 0 phase delay vs 1 0 sin(0 200v 1 khz)RS 1 2 100 R1 2 0 100 volay voltage-controlled Switch controlled by ...
Voltage controlled switch ? Current dependent current ? Lossless transmission line ? Voltage dependent current ? Uniform RC-line ? Current dependent voltage ? Independent voltage source ? Independent current source ? Current controlled switch ? JFET transistor ? Subcircuit ? Mutual inductance ? MOSFET ...
Zxxx NJF N-charmel junction FET Jxxx NMOS N-chaimel MOSFET Mxxx NPN NPN bipolar transistor Qxxx PJF P-charmel junction FET Jxxx PMOS P-chwmel MOSFET Mxxx PNP PNP b 切 ohr transistor Qxxx RES resistor Rjcxx TRN lossy transmission line Txxx VS WITCH voltage-controlled switch Sxxx School...