R:电阻 (Resistor) C:电容 (Capacitor) L:电感 (Inductor) V:独立电压源 (Independent Voltage Source) I:独立电流源 (Independent Current Source) E:电压控制电压源 (Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source) G:电压控制电流源 (Voltage-Controlled Current Source) H:电流控制电压源 (Current-Controlled Voltage Sourc...
I am trying to see the behaviour of an NMOS' resistance with gate-source voltage. This is my NMOS as voltage (Vgs) controlled resistor' schematic (I am doing DC sweep on V2 from 2V to 10V with step size as 1V, ignore the -10V in the sweep in image): The output (Vgs or ...
SPICE ResistorModel SPICE-compatible resistor Voltage-Controlled SwitchVoltage-controlled switch with hysteresis Functions subcircuit2sscConvert SPICE subcircuit to customSimscapecomponents ee_convertedmosfetvalidationGenerate standard MOSFET characteristics for Simscape and validate conversion results against SPICE simul...
R Resistor C Capacitor K Mutual inductor T Transmission lines (lossless) V Independent voltage source I Independent current source G (Non)linear voltage-controlled current source E (Non)linear voltage-controlled voltage source F (Non)linear current-controlled current source H (Non)linear current-cont...
VoltagedependentvoltageBipolartransistor CurrentdependentcurrentVoltagecontrolledswitch VoltagedependentcurrentLosslesstransmissionline CurrentdependentvoltageUniformRC-line tcurrentsourcetvoltagesource JFETtransistorCurrentcontrolledswitch ...
9、=10e 6 von=0.7 voff=0.0),s n-NC nc-sname S1 6 5 4 0 smod,带电压控制开关的电路图, example Voltage-controlled switch * sinusoidal input Voltage of 200v peak with 0 phase delay vs 1 0 sin(0 200v 1 khz)RS 1 2 100 R1 2 0 100 volay voltage-controlled Switch controlled by ...
•SemiconductorResistor •Current-ControlledSwitch •Voltage-ControlledSwitch •BipolarJunctionTransistor(BJT) •LossyTransmissionLine •UniformDistributedRCTransmissionLine NamingtheModel OneofthemostimportantstepsasyoufollowthepagesoftheWizard,istoprovideanamefor ...
Example Voltage-controlled switch *Sinusoidal input voltage of 200V peak with 0 phase delay VS 1 0 SIN0 200V 1KHZ RS 1 2 100 R1 2 0 100K *voltage controlled voltage source with a voltage gain of 0.1 E1 3 0 2 0 0.1 RL 4 5 2 ...
23、ft click on the Component symbol in the Schematic Editor Toolbar for a directory of additional circuit elements: ?Arbitrary behavioral source ?Voltage dependent voltage ?Current dependent current ?Lossy transmission line ?Bipolar transistor ?Voltage controlled switch Current dependent current ?Volta ...
resistor is in series connection with parallel connection nodes of the voltage-controlled capacitor and the voltage-controlled resistor, and used for indicating the body resistance of the silicon carbide Schottky diode; the contact resistor is connected with the voltage-controlled body resistor in ...