I am trying to see the behaviour of an NMOS' resistance with gate-source voltage. This is my NMOS as voltage (Vgs) controlled resistor' schematic (I am doing DC sweep on V2 from 2V to 10V with step size as 1V, ignore the -10V in the sweep in image): The output (Vgs or ...
CurrentdependentcurrentVoltagecontrolledswitch VoltagedependentcurrentLosslesstransmissionline CurrentdependentvoltageUniformRC-line tcurrentsourcetvoltagesource JFETtransistorCurrentcontrolledswitch MutualinductanceSubcircuit ...
Alternatively you can add a plot trace manually and set it to show the difference between two nodes. Here is your original circuit, I've redrawn it using the COM symbol for the rectifier, capacitor and resistor common connection, and added a VCVS to measure the voltage across the capacitor ...
23、ft click on the Component symbol in the Schematic Editor Toolbar for a directory of additional circuit elements: ?Arbitrary behavioral source ?Voltage dependent voltage ?Current dependent current ?Lossy transmission line ?Bipolar transistor ?Voltage controlled switch Current dependent current ?Volta ...
Voltage controlled switch ? Current dependent current ? Lossless transmission line ? Voltage dependent current ? Uniform RC-line ? Current dependent voltage ? Independent voltage source ? Independent current source ? Current controlled switch ? JFET transistor ? Subcircuit ? Mutual inductance ? MOSFET ...
You can make a oscillator with a Vswitch + cap + resistor. One of fun parts of spice is you can make up parts that do not exist. Voltage controlled current source with time. I can make a part that is a formula having many inputs, time, frequency, voltage, temp., current, etc an...
current-sense resistor (RSENSE) that is in series with the inductor (L). For the sake of convenience, I’m using an arbitrary behavioral voltage source (DIFF-AMP) instead of the SPICE version of a differential amplifier. The DIFF-AMP output is equal to the voltage acrossRSENSEmul...
- Allows you to modify the resistance, tolerance level, and power rating of a resistor. - Gives you the opportunity to modify the functions, parasitic properties, and amplitude of a voltage source. - A built in computer and simulator that allows you to evaluate the validity of your scheme ...
After reading this article you should be able to use LTspice to understand if an LDO regulator is required on the output of your buck converter based on the buck output ripple voltage level tolerable in your design. In addition, this article provides a configurable power supply noise immunity...