像neutral一样,根据您在邮件服务器上面的 DMARC 设置情况,SPF softfail可以在 DMARC 中被解释为 pass 或者 fail。在 OpenDMARC 中,SPF softfail缺省被 DMARC 解释成 fail。 SPF fail 解释 SPF fail,也被称为 SPF hardfail,显式地宣称连接主机不被允许使用该域名来发送邮件。这可以通过在 SPF 记录的末尾添加 -...
Perfecting Your Email Preview Text Best Practices Email Bounce Management: Soft Bounces vs. Hard Bounces Send With Confidence Partner with the email service trusted by developers and marketers for time-savings, scalability, and delivery expertise. ...