~(tilde) for SOFTFAIL, a debugging aid between NEUTRAL and FAIL. Typically, messages that return a SOFTFAIL are accepted but tagged; -for FAIL, i.e., the SPF check fails. SPF modifiers There are two widely deployed modifiers: exp=some.example.comgives the name of a domain with...
However, an important caveat is that DMARC can pass a message that fails SPF if it passes DKIM. Because DMARC only requires a pass with either SPF or DKIM, the current email best practice is to not reject messages solely for an SPF fail unless the SPF record is v=spf1 -all. This art...
-Fail, an IP that matches a mechanism with this qualifier will fail SPF. ~SoftFail, an IP that matches a mechanism with this qualifier will soft fail SPF, which means that the host should accept the mail, but mark it as an SPF failure. ?Neutral, an IP that matches a mechanism with t...
– Fail ~ Softfail ? NeutralDNS SPF Record qualifiers and their meaning Note that defining a qualifier is optional, and not mandatory. Therefore, you may come across SPF records that use “+a +mx“, or even “a mx” without the qualifiers. If no qualifier is defined, the default value ...