Over the years, spent fuel reprocessing based on PUREX technology has reached a matured status and can be safely deployed to meet the additional reprocessing requirements to cater to the expanding nuclear energy program. Side by side with the developments in the spent natural uranium fuel ...
Modified PUREX flowsheet is used for reprocessing these fuels. Since the fuel is mixed carbide rich in Pu, various dissolution parameters were experimented to reduce the interference from dissolved organics. Laboratory experimental extraction and stripping studies were carried from feed solution prepared ...
In Super-DIREX method, the process from dissolution to extraction (co-decontamination) in PUREX is consolidated to one component of direct extraction column, so that the cost of the spent fuel reprocessing plant is expected to be reduced from PUREX process. In order to evaluate the ability of ...
Reprocessing is a series of physical and chemical operations to separate the elements of interest or concern from spent fuel. From: Advanced Security and Safeguarding in the Nuclear Power Industry, 2020 About this pageSet alert Also in subject area: Earth and Planetary SciencesDiscover other topics...
Spent fuel reprocessing options The objective of this publication is to provide an update on the latest developments in nuclear reprocessing technologies in the light of new developments on the global nuclear scene. The background information on spent fuel reprocessing......
Extensive knowledge of real-time solution properties and composition are highly beneficial for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing. This work focuses on the advancement of on-line spectroscopic techniques, which can provide means for real-time monitoring of solution properties in harsh radiation and chemical...
Purex co-processing of spent LWR fuel is investigated. In purex co-processing, uranium and plutonium in spent fuel are processed and recovered together as a single stream, while in standard purex reprocessing uranium and plutonium are obtained as separate streams, A two-step (co-decontamination an...
9.Study on the Determination Method of Trace Nitrate Ion in Uranium Dioxide and Nitrite Ion in the Purex Process of Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing;二氧化铀中微量硝酸根及乏燃料后处理Purex流程料液中亚硝酸根的测定方法研究 10.Feasibility Study on the Constrction of Spent Fuel Interim Dry Storage Faci...
Dissolution Spent nuclear fuel Reprocessing 1. Introduction A nuclear renaissance is predicted in response to the need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonise the economy, with a target of net zero adopted by many countries to combat global climate change (LifeCycle Assessment...
Design of reprocessing facilities, either based on conventional plutonium uranium reduction extraction (PUREX) or advanced PUREX processes, is primarily a nuclear process engineering discipline. This differs from conventional process eng... B Hanson - 《Reprocessing & Recycling of Spent Nuclear Fuel》 被...