Nuclear fuel reprocessingPurex processIn order to recycle potentially valuable uranium and plutonium, the Purex process has been successfully used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel for several decades now at industrial scales. The process has developed over this period to treat higher burnup fuels, ...
The plant used thePurexreprocessingprocess. UN-2 Section:::PUREX raffinate. The term "PUREX raffinate" describes the mixture of metals in nitric acid which are left behind when the uranium and plutonium have been removed by thePUREX processfrom a nuclear fuel dissolution liquor. scb...
本文总结了国外PUREX流程计算模拟程序中的钚还原反萃模型的研究进展,重点对模型的建立和算法做了介绍.%PUREX has been a dominant process in nuclear fuel reprocessing industry.The computer simulation of PUREX has been a research hot spot.In some other countries,computer simulation of complete flow scheme ...
3.The crud occurred in Purex process is caused by the degradations of extractant and solvent and the existence of insoluble solid particle in the nuclear fuel reprocessing.目前 ,普遍认为 ,在Purex流程萃取过程中 ,尤其是在一循环中 ,界面污物的产生与Zr和TBP降解产物HDBP、H2 MBP、H3 PO4 形成的沉淀...
RadiochimicaActaJd,3-15(1984)© R.OldenboutgVerlag,München1984ChemisttyofthePurexProcessByJ.MALVYNMCKIBBEN,E.I.duPontdeNemours&Co.,SavannahRiverPlant,Alken,SouthCarolina(ReceivedJune29,1983;revisedSeptember30,1983)Reprocessing!PurexISolventextraction/NuclearfuelcycleSummaiyThePurexprocess,usedforrecoveri...
A regional fuel cycle centre using the PUREX process would be profitable using cost estimates, interest rates, etc. as developed in the study 采用普雷克斯流程的地区燃料循环中心利用该项研究所确定的费用概算和利率等将有利可图。 MultiUn All operating commercial reprocessing plants, and the one un...
technetium/ PUREX processtechnetium separationstepwise reductionhigh level liquid wasteacetohydroxamic acidlong time surveillancereductant consumptionbiosphere/ A2875S Radioactive waste treatment and transmutation A2842H Fission reactor fuel preparation and reprocessing A2842K Radioactive wastes from fission ...
Chemistry of nuclear fuel reprocessing: Current status Current status on the chemical aspects of nuclear fuel reprocessing is presented with special emphasis on the Purex process which continues to be the proce... D.,D.,SoodS.,... - 《Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry》 被引量: ...
Reprocessing of advanced heavy water reactor (AHWR) spent-fuel involves separation of Th, 233U and Pu, from the fission products and from one another. A pr... S Kant - 《International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Technology》 被引量: 1发表: 2005年 MODELING OF PLUGGAGE AND SPATIAL...
Effect of the Major Parameters on Pu Accumulation Predicted Using Several Numerical Codes for PUREX Solvent Extraction ProcessEffect of the Major Parameters on Pu Accumulation Predicted Using Several Numerical Codes for PUREX Solvent Extraction Processspent nuclear fuel reprocessingpurex...