VCE stands forVowel, Consonant, E. When a word ends in one vowel, one consonant, and the letter e, the E is silent and the vowel makes its long sound. This rule is often called the Magic E or Silent E rul...
I before E, Except after C, unless it sounds like A, as in neighbor or weigh. But, there are many exceptions to this rule.
Rule: You should always write "i" before "e" (when the sound the two make is long "e") except when they come after the letter "c".Examples of "i" before "e": relief, belief Examples of "e" before "i" after "c": deceive, receipt...
The Y rule: When a root ends in y, change the y to i when adding a suffix (easy + est = easiest; happy + ness = happiness). Exceptions: Keep the y ifa vowel comes beforeit (play + er = player; joy...
With multi-syllable words, apply the same rule if the finalsyllableis stressed. example wordvowel suffixcorrect spelling refer -ing referring begin -er beginner tap -able tappable example wordvowel suffixcorrect spelling offer -ing offering
To make an English noun plural, we usually add an s to the end of the noun. An exception to this rule is when a word ends in y. This worksheet will help students learn how to properly make such words plural. Spelling Rule Exceptions: I Before E ...
Do whatever you can to help them make sense of the spelling of the wordwhen they first transfer it from their writing to their spelling list. If you can simplify a rule to the point that a child remembers it, go ahead. More often, though,I find myself drawing a little memory cluenext...
S p e llin g:S p e l l i n g R u l e s Spelling in English can be very tricky because, although there are some rules, there are many cases where rules don't apply, and there are often exceptions to the rules themselves.Many words in English vocabulary come from a variety of...
Spell it aloud Learning how to spell Writing the word in fancy letters Bubble writing Cursive Italics Learning how to spell Use a spelling rule “i” before “e” except after “c” change the “y” to “i” and add “es” Learning how to spell Look- Say- Cover- Write- Check- ...