I before E, Except after C, unless it sounds like A, as in neighbor or weigh. But, there are many exceptions to this rule.
I before E, Except After C! Yeah, it's easy to remember and will definitely help me. 除非“I”在C之后,否则“I”在“E”之前!是的,它很容易记住,绝对能帮助我。 Now, are there any exceptions to this rule? 这个规则有例外吗? Unfortunately, yes. A few words have the "e-i" sequence, ...
Learn about the rhyme "i before e except after c" and its exceptions. Read about the rule behind the mnemonic device and see examples of words that...
The article reports on the impact of "i before e except after c spelling" rule from the National Primary Strategy in Great Britain. Greg Brooks of University of Sheffield states that the rule is misleading because it only applies to words in which the ie or ei stands for a clear ee ...
The article reports on the impact of "i before e except after c spelling" rule from the National Primary Strategy in Great Britain. Greg Brooks of University of Sheffield states that the rule is misleading because it only applies to words in which the ie or ei stands for a clear ee sound...
C.Byanalyzingchildren?smentalhealthdifficulties. D.Bycomparingacademicperformancesbeforeandafter. 二、七选五 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与社会 词数:263 难度:★★★ (2022·湖南省永州市第四中学高二开学考试)Thefirst...
1.A.posted B.announced C.delivered D.composed 2.A.before B.after C.until D.unless 3.A.attached B.applied C.referred D.written 4.A.lucky B.anxious C.ambitious D.needy 5.A.witnessed B.copied C.shared D.designed 6.A.likes B.thumbs C.flowers D.dollars 7.A.puzzling ...
Lawrence doesn't tell a robot about his finding a job before hand because. Want to keep it a secret. Actually don't want to tell a robot about it. Want to keep it a surprise till the weekend. Lawrence wants to talk to robert later, because. It's time for him to leave for the ...
The room’s theme was “the missing scientist.” We played the role of investigating detectives. We entered the room and discovered we were “trapped.” We then had only 60 minutes to escape before the room “exploded.” We had to search every corner of the room for clues in order to ...
The house was on fire for nearly an hour before the fire department finally arrived. 房子着火将近一个小时,消防队才赶来。 但是,在某些特定的场景中,on fire就不是它原本的意思了。尤其是表示某人的时候。 例如:He is one fire. 就千万不能理解...