It went a bit beyond what was the established gw2 status quo of the so-called "unholy trinity" of dps/support/cc. For a while, it was the most interesting warrior spec to date. Reworking it to "support" just to satisfy some rando youtubers is a recipe for comedy. Bladesworn(or ...
Most of the Warrior builds especially Hammer do almost no damage. It's the same thing with Specter. If you can just heal through it while pumping out a moderate amount of damage, you will dominate them. Spellbreaker really only counters burst builds which I guess for sPvP there is alo...
but sheesh. It seems like Warrior doesn't really have any mechanics that contribute to survival outside of Tactics and Might Spam. I find the stun break build really unappealing as it's entirely dependent on that condition.Defense And if you want to play purely DPS warrior, just go strength with GS + hammer or GS + Axe/axe or sword/axe . Main issue with trying to play damage with Hammer + Sword/warhorn is th...