— Spellbreaker Spellbreakers have a smaller adrenaline bar and can only use Burst skills of level 1 but, in exchange, gain access to Full Counter. This counter absorbs the next attack within 1,5 seconds, reducing its damage to 0, and striking nearby foes in retaliation. ...
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SB / SPB ---Spellbreaker ---破法者,战士的烈焰征途专精特长SB / Slb ---Soulbeast ---魂兽师,游侠的烈焰征途专精特长SE--- Sorrow's Embrace ---悲伤之拥,老八本之一,位于掘洞悬崖SH / Desmina--- Soulless Horror ---德丝米娜,十人本5线w5锁链殿堂第一个bossSloth ---Slothasor ---斯洛萨索,十...
2. Pre nerf scourge/spellbreaker (path of fire) Again I skipped this expac but it was very clear scourge was going to be brainlet territory on launch. Massive AOE burst burning and healing without even having to be on point. Spellbreaker and scourge were both so overpowered that even after...
Support Spellbreaker – Support– Power Bladesworn – DPS/Duelist– Guardian Power Willbender – Roamer– Support Firebrand – Support– Power Dragonhunter – Roamer– Support Core Guardian – Support– Condition Willbender – DPS– Revenant
模板:Spellbreaker刷新本页 刷新此页面的缓存吗? 确定 刷新页面会清除缓存并强制显示最近的版本。欢迎来到激战2中文维基! 激战2玩家交流群 950524661 - 有任何关于维基站点的资料缺失、内容不足、游戏交流需求都可以加入这个群 请各位指挥官点点关注!!! 地图模板已经修复,NPC/事件/冒险等类型页面均已导入互动地图,可...
烈阳之矛破损的武器在他们的继承者手中成为匕首,用来切断魔法的纤维。他们通过冥想看破敌人的防御,使用怒气发动强力反击。 —— 官方网站 破法者(Spellbreaker)是战士的精英特长之一。破法者专注于冥想技能,允许战士玩家在主手或副手使用匕首,并添加了 全力反击技能。 破法者技能列表 参见:技能列表/战士 职业机制 #...
the problem I see is that new players (hell, I started playing a few months ago and I still can't tell for sure) can barely see what the fuck is happening and why is happening, it's easier to see some Spellbreaker just doing two hundred blades on you when you are stunned or they...
In the current Meta, practically every class has at least one very strong build. Because of this, A-tier has been split in two to highlight those that are a cut above the rest, but not enough to land in S-tier.