Standalone Windows Commandline Speedtest written in C++ The drive for this project was my impatience to load up and waiting for the page to load its fancy speedometer, ping test, and server select just to find out my downspeed. Now you can just download and place the executabl...
sudo pip3 install speedtest-cli Then run with the command speedtest: You’ll see your download and upload internet speeds. fast fast is a service provided by Netflix, its web interface is atfast.comand it has a command line interface available as a snap (for Ubuntu): sudo snap install fa...
To run speedtest cli on Windows, you have to unzip the package and naivete the command line to the directory and run the binary. Or add the path to your Windows’ environment variable to source the PATH, so you can run this cli command tool anywhere globally. speedtest [-aAbBfhiIpPsv] ...
Install on Windows If you have either Scoop or Chocolatey installed you can use one of the following commands: Scoop (ensure you have the extras bucket added): > scoop install librespeed-cli Chocolatey: > choco install librespeed-cli Container Image You can run librespeed-cli in a container...
Yeah. A lot of people seem to think it's a windows thing. But it's not. As my evidence pics show this. The command line speedtest app works well in windows. So no, it's not windows. It's the web browsers. Like it's not properly ported to Windows. ...
windows 下载地址 Linux x86_64 i386 armel armhf aarch64 查看帮助命令 Speedtest by Ookla is the official command line client for testing the speed and performance of your internet connection. Version: speedtest Usage: speedtest [<options>] ...
前些时间宽带升级到电信300兆,路由器也顺便换成了华硕AC86U,所以想测试带宽给的够不够,路由器的WiFi能否跑满 300 Mb,于是使用Speedtest分别测试了安卓(一加五)、iOS(iPhone 7)和Windows(Surface Pro 5)设备无线接入的速度。遇到问题线材光猫、路由器和电脑都是千兆接入的,但在电脑Speedtest网页测速时,测试结果一直...
Linux用だけでなく、MacOSやFreeBSD、Windows用が公開されているので、比較用には便利。 あと、speedtest-cliに比べてCPU負荷が低い。 Speedtest CLI - Internet connection measurement for developers ただインストールがリポジトリ経由だったりと、セットアップは必要。rootが必要になるのも痛い。
SpeedTest是用来测试网络上传/下载速率的一款工具,在Windows上能很方便的测试本地网络的上传/下载速率,而在Linux上,也可以很方便的使用命令行SpeedTest来测试 SpeedTest是用Python编写的轻量级Linux命令行工具,在Python2.4至3.4版本下均可运行,一般我都是用SpeedTest来测试VPS的带宽,以下内容仅做个记录,毕竟我老是忘记应该...
All you need is to open a command line and type a few quick commands. It works in any version of Windows, too. Press the “Windows + R” key combination to open the Run window and then type “cmd”. Press OK. 您只需要打开命令行并输入一些快速命令即可。 它也可以在任何Windows版本中使...