一、安装和使用: 第一步:下载speedtest在linux命令行工具 这是一个Python编写的工具,在Python2.4到3.7之间版本都可以运行。 wgethttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py github是国外网站,可能会出现下载不成功的现象,多试几次。 第二步:给下载的文件增加执行权限 chmod+x speed...
第一步:下载speedtest在linux命令行工具 这是一个Python编写的工具,在Python2.4到3.7之间版本都可以运行。 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py 1. github是国外网站,可能会出现下载不成功的现象,多试几次。 第二步:给下载的文件增加执行权限 chmod +x speedtest.py 1...
Speedtest-cli is a command-line interface for testing internet bandwidth using Speedtest.net. It is an open-source project that allows users to quickly and easily test their download and upload speeds from the comfort of their Linux terminal. To use speedtest-cli, users must first install the ...
$ speedtest-cli-h usage: speedtest-cli [-h] [--no-download] [--no-upload] [--single] [--bytes][--share] [--simple] [--csv][--csv-delimiter CSV_DELIMITER] [--csv-header] [--json][--list] [--server SERVER] [--exclude EXCLUDE][--mini MINI] [--source SOURCE] [--timeout...
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net - GitHub - linuxtechie/speedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
`Linux测速方法`: 服务器进行下载wget工具 下载脚本 给脚本执行权限 执行脚本出结果 多种参数可供参考 Speedtest.net强大而知名的全球宽带网络速度测试网站,采用Flash载入界面,Alexa世界排名非常高,Speedtest.net在全球有数百个测试节点,国内有测速节点几十个。作为一款在线并且可视化的网速测试工具。使用方法简单,无需下...
speedtest-linux From the command line get ping/download/upload stats: fromhttps://speedtest.netorhttps://fast.com withouttheir ads withouttheir web GUI or app interface simplytimestampedin one-line CSV format suitable for logs usingBashshell script ...
[--exclude EXCLUDE] [--mini MINI] [--sourceSOURCE] [--timeoutTIMEOUT] [--secure] [--no-pre-allocate] [--version] Command line interfacefortesting internet bandwidth using speedtest.net. --- https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli optional arguments: -h, --helpshow thishelpmessage andex...
First, test your local network speed before pointing fingers towards your ISP for a slow and sluggish internet experience. Introducing Network Speed Test Server for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS & Android. Docker Image and source code are available for large-scale headless deployments. ...
2. speedtest-cli用法命令很简单,直接上帮助[root@li229-122 ~]# speedtest-cli --helpUsage: speedtest-cli [options]Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net.---https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cliOptions:-h, --help show this help message and exit--share Generat...