Nikon 尼康 SPEEDLIGHT SB-5000 热靴闪光灯 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 品牌 Nikon/尼康 50977人关注 于1917年在日本创立,是日本著名的照相机品牌。尼康是著名的光学产品设计和制造商,具有非凡的光学科技水平。其光学产品以优异的性能著称于世。尼康光学科技在映像、光纤、半导体、视光、科考等人类生产、生活的各个领域...
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内容提示: Nikon Manual Viewer 2Install the Nikon Manual Viewer 2 app on your smartphone or tablet to view Nikon digital camera manuals, anytime, anywhere. Nikon Manual Viewer 2 can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store and Google Play. SB-5000SpeedlightEnUser's Manual (with ...
The information is current as of the date of publication. It is subject to change without notice. Share
SB-5000page H-23 2.6 seconds 1.8 seconds SB-900/SB-910page F-21 / H-21 4.5 seconds 4.0 seconds 2.3 seconds SB-800 page 19 7.5 seconds 6 seconds 4.0 seconds SB-700 page H-27 3.5 seconds 2.5 seconds 2.5 seconds SB-600 page 19 4.0 seconds 3.5 seconds 2.5 seconds SB-500 4.0 seconds...
SB-800 (FX)GN 144f/14.436 feet3.7713.63× SB-910 DXGN 147.6f/14.836.9 feet3.8414.32× SB-910 FXGN 131.2f/13.132.8 feet3.511.32× SB-900 DXGN 150.9f/15.137.7 feet3.914.97× SB-900 FXGN 131.2f/13.132.8 feet3.511.32× SB-5000 DXGN 148f/14.837 feet3.8514.4× ...
Nikon 尼康 SB-910 闪光灯 家烧黄鱼好吃 70 59 尼康宣布 SB-5000 闪光灯停止生产 骚机社 16 6 Meike 美科 MK910 闪光灯 开箱&与尼康SB910 、斯丹德DF-800对比 阿文菌 23 45 美科MK910闪光灯开箱,对比尼康SB-910神灯 家烧黄鱼好吃 25 71 Nikon 尼康 R1C1 微距环闪灯 旧房子的颜色 22 28 #本...