Nikon 尼康 SPEEDLIGHT SB-5000 热靴闪光灯 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 品牌 Nikon/尼康 51281人关注 于1917年在日本创立,是日本著名的照相机品牌。尼康是著名的光学产品设计和制造商,具有非凡的光学科技水平。其光学产品以优异的性能著称于世。尼康光学科技在映像、光纤、半导体、视光、科考等人类生产、生活的各个领域...
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯,是尼康在10年发布的一款旗舰闪光灯——的缩水版~囧。虽然是缩水版但也可堪称次旗舰级别,日常使用和专业应用均是不在话下:拥有GN31(ISO 100/50mm)闪光灯输出,保留SU-4模式,可控光束形状,使用镍氢电池时仅需2.5秒即可回电,拥有与旗舰SB-900同样的操作界面。并且提供了覆盖...
It seems that the Flagship speedlight of Nikon (sb5000) was released in 2016, quite a while ago! Is this still a recommended option or should i go the Godox way? (V860III released 2021 + wireless commander) Budget is not an issue, I am just looking at getting something proper and not...
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯,是尼康在10年发布的一款旗舰闪光灯——的缩水版~囧。虽然是缩水版但也可堪称次旗舰级别,日常使用和专业应用均是不在话下:拥有GN31(ISO 100/50mm)闪光灯输出,保留SU-4模式,可控光束形状,使用镍氢电池时仅需2.5秒即可回电,拥有与旗舰SB-900同样的操作界面。并且提供了覆盖...
(not included) Features: |Godox Light|Nikon Speedlight Sb 5000 Price|Godox Retro Flash| **Advanced TTL and HSS Technology** The Godox TT685II TTL HSS Camera Flash Speedlite is a versatile and powerful lighting solution for photographers seeking to capture stunning images in a variety of ...
The website of Nikon Corporation. Based on our corporate philosophy of "Trustworthiness and Creativity", Nikon provides innovative products and services, contributing to an abundant future for humanity.
Speedlight SB-80DX:为Nikon传统/数码SLR而设计,包含了SB-28/SB-28DX的全部功能,是目前Nikon Speedlight的顶级闪光灯,其主要特点是:闪光指数:56/38m (ISO 100,105mm/35mm); 具有3D多分区平衡填充闪光能力; 配合D1/D100系列SLR具有D-TTL能力; 内置反射板; 内置广角扩散片,闪光涵盖范围达14mm; 具有...
, honeycomb grid, ora grid diffuser dome, essentially every speedlight, including the sb-5000, already comes witha dome gels any regular speed light will take gels ( example, or my favourite:https:/...
To use the SB-50DX' slave feature with a digital SLR camera you have to cripple the camera's flash by setting the camera's flash to the primitive A mode, and the SB-50DX, held in your left hand, to the A slave mode. You have to do this because Nikon's digital SLRs have only ...
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯 爆料人: 月光照小城 18-11-02发布 经典之作,又到好价,刚需值得入手 购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 你认为这条好价: 00 暂无评论,打开APP参与讨论 猜你喜欢 永诺YN565EX N 闪光灯 尼康口 387元 京东 01-17 19:21 0 -- 斯丹德 尼康D750手柄MB-D16单反...